
February 2020 – Further Improvements to Briefings and Filters

Briefing Email Improvements

The overall appearance of emailed briefings has been modernized to look sleeker and more appealing to readers and recipients. In addition to the more streamlined appearance, you can now also customize colors and fonts!  This allows you to personalize your briefings to match your company branding.  To adjust fonts, colors, and even mention metadata, click on the icon of the paintbrush over a sheet which can be found on the right side of the screen when drafting your briefing (seen in orange in the screenshot below).

Briefing Styles

Filter Improvements

The filters which appear at the top of your topic searches and saved coverage have been made more accessible and improved to provide more functionality. You can now save mentions with tags directly from the filters area, as well as search mentions by an additional keyword!  You can also easily lock and clear these filters by selecting the applicable option from the drop-down menus accessed through the little wrench buttons.


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