
July 2020 – Proximity Searches and Custom Archiving of Mentions

Proximity searches in Monitoring

We launched Expert mode in April, allowing users to manually create Boolean searches. To this we have now added the ability to return results where multiple search terms appear close together rather than as a single phrase or consecutive words.

In this simple example, I am interested in online shopping, but I want to make sure that I see results which refer to things such online grocery shopping, online food shopping, online clothes shopping etc.

I construct my search to look for results that contain the words online and shopping within 2 words of each other:

Proximity search

One of the results I get is this article, which refers to “online grocery shopping”:

Proximity result in Agility

Proximity result in source

Expert mode does allow for far more complex searches than this example. To find out exactly how it works, please refer to this article or contact Agility Support.


Custom Archiving of Broadcast Mentions

If your subscription includes broadcast monitoring, you can now archive broadcast mentions within Agility which will remain available and playable beyond the expiration date.  Unarchived broadcast mentions are only playable for 60 days after they air.  After 60 days, only the transcript remains.  However with this feature, you can archive a mention and you’ll have the playable video/audio for as long as you have access to your Agility account!

Archive Broadcast Mention

The default limit on archived mentions is 1,000, meaning you can have up to 1,000 broadcast mentions archived to your account at any given time.  If you have any questions on this, or wish to add broadcast monitoring to your subscription, always feel free to reach out to your Account Manager and Client Success Specialist.

Learn more about how to custom archive your mentions here.

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