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Flat-Fee Newswire Service

Establish your brand and reach a broader audience with a flat-fee newswire service

Say everything you need to say

Make your press release your own with one flat cost for unlimited words. An AI-powered news release assistant and multimedia content options maximize open rates and visibility for your stories.

Amplify your story

Go beyond the press release-only approach to optimize opportunities for earned media. Share your story with more audiences through our integrated media database and outreach solution. Plus, maximize your message's visibility on major news sites and search engines with Agility Boost.

Reach a broad audience

Distribute to a broad range of outlets and newsrooms to get the pickup your story deserves. We'll extend your reach beyond traditional media houses and local outlets to get as many eyes on your news as possible.

Track engagement and pickup

Get insight into how your release is performing with detailed reports monitoring interaction and outlet pickup.

Integrated media database

Our newswire is directly integrated with a global media database of over 1,000,000 contacts, so you can research and connect with vital journalists and influencers.

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Purchase newswire service

Get in touch with us to learn more about our flat-fee newswires.

Newswire FAQs

Do I need to purchase your media database to send a press release via newswire?
No. newswire services can be purchased and used without having a media database subscription with Agility PR Solutions. However, if you do subscribe and become an Agility client, you can also gain access to our top-rated database and newsroom to further amplify your press release.
What is your newswire pricing?

Contact us to learn about flat-fee news wire pricing for your region and discounts available when purchasing newswire bundles.

Are there cost savings when I purchase multiple newswires?

Absolutely. We have discounts when you pre-purchase press releases. Contact us to find out more about pricing and bundle savings!