
Scott Mathews

Scott Mathews
Scott Mathews is a communication specialist and a blogger at Rush Essay. Scott is also a part-time content contributor at Best Essay Tips and Bestdissertation. He usually discusses topics like PR and marketing, but he enjoys writing about personal development and self-improvement, too. Scott is a passionate runner and spends most of his spare time training for long-distance races.
7 hidden PR dilemmas hindering your business’ growth

7 hidden PR dilemmas hindering your business’ growth

Public relations is more important than it’s ever been before, thanks mainly to the way in which social media has led to us all living our lives in public. These days, if your company makes a mistake, then it’ll be all over Facebook and Twitter before you know it. And...

7 biggest mistakes PR pros may not even know they’re making

7 biggest mistakes PR pros may not even know they’re making

PR is an exciting profession that can enrich your life if you do it properly, but it can also give you a lot of trouble if you keep making the same mistakes. For example, it’s never easy to get journalists to open, click, and love your email pitch, but especially so...

How to successfully rebrand after a painful company PR crisis

How to successfully rebrand after a painful company PR crisis

Did you know that the first 60 minutes of a crisis defines its outcome? That first hour can make a huge difference between control and chaos. If you managed to survive the golden hour, now you are probably thinking about rebranding as a way out. When brand image is...

5 common marketing mistakes that cost businesses dearly

5 common marketing mistakes that cost businesses dearly

Nearly every successful business nowadays is present online in one way or another, because that’s where their target audience is—even in the case of brick-and-mortar stores and local companies. And while the Internet allows you to promote your product as much as you...