
Zachary Weiner

Zachary Weiner
Zachary Weiner is the CEO of Emerging Insider Communications, a boutique communications and content relations organization changing the face of PR. He is a frequent lecturer and speaker across the marketing, digital video and fintech landscape.
Looming PR vs. IR turf war: The battle for ICOs

Looming PR vs. IR turf war: The battle for ICOs

For decades, investor relations teams and their PR brethren have had what I would consider to be an “Either/Or” relationship. Either PR and IR get along well, which results in an organization whose investors are happy due to strong financials and a strong brand. OR …...

3 ways ad blocking will affect PR pros

3 ways ad blocking will affect PR pros

As the digital world has exploded, there has always been a slightly enviable view that PR professionals bestow upon their ad industry brethren. There is lowered client pressure to make placements, as ad spots tend to be guaranteed by their nature (although I’ll remain...