Health and science holds a hallowed place in our modern society. As a result, if you're a communications or PR pro in the sector, when it comes time for you to amplify your message, factual accuracy is paramount. Many stories we read about health and science are...
EpiPen price increase: Who’s to blame, according to the media?
Over the last week, we saw a large increase in coverage of Mylan’s EpiPen price hike (approximately 30 articles for August 1st versus almost 7000 on August 25th) . But as interest swelled, the media also seemed to shift blame for the increase from first the company...
Beyond resolutions: Top gyms in the US
According to a recent Marist Institute for Public Opinion poll, almost half of Americans said they’d make a New Year’s resolution this year. Of those, the highest mentioned goal — at 31 per cent — was to lose weight and get in shape. This makes the month of January a...
Treato and MediaMiser join forces on flu vaccine report
Report analyzes attitudes of media and online consumers toward the flu shot Online consumers, particularly parents, remain skeptical of the flu shot despite the media’s efforts to positively endorse this year’s vaccine, according to a data analysis released this week...
Zika virus: The media’s new Ebola
In the past month well over 25,000 English online articles have been written about Zika virus. For those who haven’t heard about the virus, it’s related to Yellow Fever and West Nile disease. Like yellow fever and West Nile disease, Zika is transmitted by mosquitoes....
How PR pros in the health space can help prevent public misinformation
When it comes to health education, there’s no such thing as too much. This has been made abundantly clear every time we lurch toward another health crisis. In 2014, widespread panic surrounded the much-publicized Ebola outbreak in West Africa. As researchers scrambled...
Media coverage of WHO’s carcinogenic meat report rocks meat industry
On Monday, The World Health Organization (WHO) released a bombshell report that put processed meat in the same cancer-causing category as smoking and asbestos. Bacon-lovers read with heavy hearts as the WHO's cancer research unit officially classified processed meat...