Media Monitoring

A brief history of media monitoring

Did you know that the practice of media monitoring dates back to the 1790s? Yup, even George Washington was a stickler for monitoring mentions of his name in newspapers. MediaMiser presents: a brief history of media monitoring. Have a look at the infographic below to...

5 tips for tidying up your media monitoring process

5 tips for tidying up your media monitoring process

We’d all love to “set it and forget it” as they say on that cheesy infomercial… But the truth is things change. All the time. In front of our eyes. Since spring is the time for renewal, now is an ideal time to re-examine your media monitoring program. Fortunately you...

A brief history of media monitoring (and analysis)

A brief history of media monitoring (and analysis)

Keeping an ear to the ground. Knowing which way the wind is blowing. Having your finger on the pulse. Whether you’re an industry leader or leader of men, the knowledge of what’s being said about you and yours, by whom, and in what capacity is invaluable. And it always...

Comparing dating sites through media analysis

Comparing dating sites through media analysis

Do you believe in modern romance? According to statisticbrain.com, there are more than 54,250,000 singles in the United States—and 91 per cent of them have tried online dating. Lucky for them, the stigma associated with online dating continues to decrease year after...

Treato and MediaMiser join forces on flu vaccine report

Treato and MediaMiser join forces on flu vaccine report

Report analyzes attitudes of media and online consumers toward the flu shot Online consumers, particularly parents, remain skeptical of the flu shot despite the media’s efforts to positively endorse this year’s vaccine, according to a data analysis released this week...

Human vs. automated analysis: Context is king

Human vs. automated analysis: Context is king

Why will automated analysis never trump that of humans? Because, in just five words: Machines. Can't. Tell. Compelling. Stories. That's the core of it. Because what is an analyst, if not a good storyteller? When we're talking about analytics, monitoring, and sheer...

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