Courage. The word is typically reserved for the likes of firefighters, soldiers, and civil rights leaders. As of Wednesday, however, one more noble breed joins the ranks: Apple Inc. "It comes down to one word," said Phillip Schiller, the company’s senior VP of...
Theeey’re baaaack: the rise and rise of the pumpkin spice latte
Ah, the first week of September. That time of year when, in many parts of North America, summer is slowly receding, temperatures are dropping ever so slightly, and the kiddies are ramping up for back-to-school. It’s also pumpkin spice latte time. As a citizen of the...
Tell us how you really feel about Guaranteed Rate Field
Perplexed. Bewildered. Confounded. These are how the masses are feeling after learning that the Chicago White Sox renamed their stadium from US Cellular Field ━a moniker that earned it the adorable nickname of “The Cell” ━ to the slightly less inspiring Guaranteed...
Gawker’s demise: Justified or an attempt to quash free speech?
“F*** it”. The headline donning the front page of Gawker in its last days is fitting, given how the outlet ran for nearly fourteen years. Having declared bankruptcy and been sold at auction, the website which crowd-sourced funds to purchase the Rob Ford crack video,...
Amazing Race Canada S4E6: Hamiltonians love Hamilton, MEC, Steph & Kristen, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, and Beer!
This week’s episode of the Amazing Race Canada (Season 4, Episode 6) saw contestants fly Air Canada from Haida Gwaii to Vancouver International Airport (YVR) and straight to John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport (YHM). As predicted in last week’s Episode 5 blog...
Amazing Race Canada S4E5: The #FirstNationsSensations tour Haida Gwaii
As the contestants landed in Haida Gwaii this week for Episode 5, #FirstNationsSensations Joel and Ashley looked poised to continue their run of being the most popular team on Twitter. And they didn’t disappoint...that much. While they still earned the most mentions...
Troll Busters: What companies can learn from the Leslie Jones troll case
Over the last couple of weeks, publications have extensively covered the racist and sexist troll campaign waged against actress Leslie Jones, star of the new Ghostbusters film. While unwarranted attacks can’t be completely eliminated in a society that values free...
Amazing Race Canada S4E3: Social media engagement is crucial – thanks, Captain Obvious
A funny thing happened last night when ARC left Canada’s shores: Twitter clammed up. Using our patented Enterprise software, MediaMiser was able to track all show-related tweets the day of airing, and found that the numbers were down by 32 per cent from Episode 2, and...
Amazing Race Canada S4E2: Calgary Mayor Nenshi, a one-man dream team of social promotion
Now in our fourth year of watching and analyzing the Amazing Race Canada, we’ve noticed a few things. One of these things is that, without fail, the second episode of each season attracts less social enthusiasm than the premiere. With all the promotion and...
Amazing Race Canada S4 E1: Who are the most popular contestants and sponsors in week 1?
The Amazing Race Canada’s fourth season premiered last Tuesday, June 28, which is early for the Amazing Race Canada. If this year’s Twitter engagement numbers are any indication, viewers were caught off guard. Every year, MediaMiser monitors the show on Twitter to...
Game of Thrones Episode 9: Which scenes got the most social buzz?
*** Major Spoiler Alert for Game of Thrones *** Season six of Game of Thrones is winding down, and in classic GoT style, episode nine was massive. So, if you still haven’t gotten off your throne to watch it, I recommend you do, because here come the spoilers. In...
Pitching lessons from Twitter
As a media monitoring and analysis company, MediaMiser often finds insightful lessons in Twitter data. However, it doesn't take an extensive monitoring regime to pick out these valuable pitching lessons for public relations from @DearPR and @SmugJourno: Follow-up in a...