
Top Twitter influencers of #PRSAICON: Day 3

by | Nov 11, 2015 | Analysis, Events, Twitter

As Day 3 of the PRSA 2015 International Conference came to an end, the team from MediaMiser was sad to say goodbye to gorgeous Atlanta, Georgia and to all of our new connections.

Tuesday, November 10 was considerably quiet at #PRSAICON—Tweets dropped to roughly 2,500 for the entire day. Though considerably less people were tweeting compared to the previous two days of the conference, MediaMiser wanted to see who was influencing the conversations and what they were talking about!

Check below to see if you or your company made the list:

Top influencers by number of tweets


Top influencers by the number of times they’ve been retweeted


Top mentioned hashtags (with #PRSAICON)


Sara Chisholm