
Journalists on the move – Week of November 13

by | Nov 13, 2017 | Media Moves

Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News and Media

Associated Press: appoints Errin Haines (@emarvelous) as Race and Ethnicity Writer. She’s based in Philadelphia.

Buzzfeed: Jaimie Etkin (@ifyouseekjaimie), Katie Hasty (@katiehasty) and Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) have left.

Daily Caller: Rob Mariani (@robert_mariani) has left.

New York Times: hires Patricia Mazzei (@PatriciaMazzei) as Miami Bureau Chief.

Reuters: promotes Tiffany Wu (@Reuters) to Regional Editor, Americas.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Roland Klose (@rwklose) moves to a new role overseeing enterprise coverage on the metro desk. The paper is recruiting a new business editor.

Wall Street Journal: promotes Glenn Hall (@GlennHall) to Chief Editor of Dow Jones Newswires.

Washington Post: hires Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) as White House Reporter effective Nov. 27. Andrew Van Dam (@andrewvandam) joins as a Wonkblog Reporter, effective Nov. 20. He will “write about economics and policy through the lens of data and graphics,” the paper says.


WNKY-TV: hires Rick Boone (@RickBooneNews) as News Director.

Business and Commerce

Bloomberg Pursuits: promotes Chris Rovzar (@Rovzar) to Editor.

Quartz: launches Quartzy, a lifestyle and culture edition. Its “obsessions” include food, fashion, design, travel and wellbeing. David Kaufman joins on November 20 as Global Lifestyle Editor at Quartz and he will be one of the lead editors of Quartzy.

Consumer Lifestyle

AARP The Magazine: hires George Mannes (@dogbitesmannes) as Senior Editor. He will manage personal finance coverage.

Real Simple: hires Anna Maltby (@amalt) as Deputy Editor.

Culture, Entertainment and the Arts

Deadline Hollywood: hires Dawn C. Chmielewski (@DawnC331) as Technology Editor. Her coverage will include technology, business and entertainment.

Sports and Leisure

Travel + Leisure: hires Hannah Walhout (@hanhout) as Editorial Assistant.

Technology and Telecoms

Information, The: hires Matt Doig (@theinformation) as Investigations Editor. Aaron Tilley (@aatilley) joins as a Reporter covering Apple and other hardware companies, effective Dec. 4.



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News and Media (National)

Daily Express: Reiss Smith (@reisss) has left to pursue freelance opportunities.

Daily Mail (City & Finance): Hannah Uttley (@huttleyjourno) has been appointed Markets Reporter.

Guardian Weekend: Scarlett Conlan (@GuardianFashion) has been named Deputy Editor, Fashion.

Sunday Times Magazine, The: Clare Conway (@ConnersCl) has been appointed Commissioning Editor.

News and Media (Regional)

Cambridge News: Tim Street (@StreetboyTim) has been named Sport Reporter.

East Anglian Daily Times: Andy Warren (@AndyWarren_) has been appointed Ipswich Town Reporter.

Evening Express: Ryan Cryle (@ryancryle) has been appointed Head of Sport.


BBC News & Current Affairs: Jonny Dymond (@JonnyDymond) has been appointed Royal Correspondent and Presenter.

Sky News: Alix Culbertson (@alixculbertson) has been named Digital News Reporter.

Sky Sports News: Jefferson Lake (@JeffersonLake) has been appointed WWE Editor.

Construction, Real Estate and Manufacturing

Furnace: Clare Dowdy (@Furnace_Mag) is point of contact for the recently launched quarterly online magazine.

Consumer Lifestyle

Gaytimes.co.uk: Darren Scott (@darren_scott) has left to pursue freelance opportunities.

Look: Megan Hills (@Lookmagazine) has been promoted to Fashion/Beauty Galleries and Affiliates Assistant across Look, InStyle and Marieclaire.co.uk.

Porter: Sarah Bailey has joined as Executive Brand Editor.

Healthcare and Medicine

Cosmetics Business: Becky Bargh (@cb_beautynews) has been appointed Online and Social Media Reporter.

Your Fitness: has rebranded as Health & Wellbeing. Jessica Harris (@twentysixstyle) has left to freelance.

Technology and Telecoms

Alphr: Edward Munn (@Ed7471) has been appointed Staff Writer.

T3: Tomorrow’s Technology Today: Paul Douglas (@pdouglas) has been named Global Editor-in-Chief.


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