
Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News and Media

Argus Leader: Mackenzie Huber (@makenziehuber) has been named Business Reporter.

Dow Jones News Fund: Linda Shockley (@djnfshockley) is retiring on October 1.

Wall Street Journal, The: Tim Higgins (@timkhiggins) is now a Reporter covering Apple.

Washington Post: Jacob Bogage (@jacobbogage) has been named Breaking News Reporter on the business desk.

Washington Post: Paulina Milla Firozi (@paulina_milla) has joined the general assignment news desk. She will be covering breaking news and enterprise. Darren Sands (@darrensands) will also be joining the team in the same role. Darren was previously at BuzzFeed.

Business and Commerce

American Inno: (@americaninno) has been merged into the website offerings with related publications at American City Business Journals.

Bloomberg News: Craig Trudell (@crtrud) has been appointed Europe Automotive and Industrial Team Leader.

Forbes: Taylor Tepper (@TaylorTepper) has been named Retirement Writer.

Consumer Lifestyle

New York Times Magazine Jazmine Hughes (@nytmag) has expanded her role to include writing for the magazine and Metro.


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News and Media (National)

Sun, The: Dulcie Pearce (@TheSun) has been named Film Critic.

News and Media (Regional)

News, The: Business Editor Kimberley Barber (@kimberleybarber) has returned from leave.


Bauer Radio: Ben Cooper (@bauermedia) has been named Group Director (Content & Music).

ITV News: Catherine Reid (@catreidITV) has been appointed Content Hub Producer.

Business and Commerce

Family Capital: Annie May Noonan (@FamCapital) has been named Editorial Associate.

Consumer Lifestyle

Freelancer: Megan Lily Large (@meganlilylarge) is available for commissions. She covers music and culture.

Unilad: Jeremy Abbott (@Funster_) has been appointed Editor.

Culture, Entertainment and the Arts

Bookseller, The: will be moving to new offices on Bermondsey Street, London in the autumn (@thebookseller).

High Life: Ally Wybrew (@allywyb) has been promoted to Digital Content Editor.

Travel, Transport and Logistics

Travelmole.com: Lisa James (@lhjames) has been appointed Deputy Editor.


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