Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.
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News and Media
Columbus Dispatch: promotes Jim Weiker (@jimweiker) to Business Editor.
Los Angeles Times: hires Jennifer Haberkorn (@jenhab) as a Congressional Reporter.
McClatchy: promotes Wendy Benjaminson (@wbenjaminson) to Managing Editor for Washington.
New York Times: moves Dick Stevenson (@dickstevenson) to the role of Enterprise Editor in the D.C. bureau. Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) has been appointed Metro Editor. Katharine Seelye (@kseelye) moves to the Obituaries beat.
VTDigger: hires Anne Wallace Allen (@vtdigger) as a Business Reporter, effective in September. The non-profit website covers news in Vermont.
Wirecutter: Jacqui Cheng will leave in September. Strategy Editor Ganda Suthivarakom (@ganda) will be Interim Editor-in-Chief.
Business and Commerce
D CEO: hires Christine Perez (@cperez_Dallas) as Editor.
Fortune: promotes Grace Donnelly (@gddonnelly22) to Associate Editor. She will focus on the food and beverage industry and the cannabis industry.
Consumer Lifestyle
Bustle: hires Alexandra Svokos (@asvokos) as News Editor.
Davler Media: (@davlermedia) acquires Staten Island Parent from founder Roselle Farina-Hecht. It joins the company’s other parenting publications in the NYC metro area, including BigApple Parent, Brooklyn Parent, Queens Parent, LongIsland Parent, Rockland Parent and Westchester Parent.
Culture, Entertainment and the Arts
Entertainment Weekly: hires Shana Naomi Krochmal (@shananaomi) as Digital Director.
Healthcare and Medicine
CancerNetwork: Susan Beck will retire in August. Pitches for the website, as well as Oncotherapy Network, should go to UBM Medica Group Content Director Teresa McNulty (@cancernetwrk).
Medical Laboratory Observer: Alan Lenhoff is set to retire. Direct pitches to Managing Editor Lisa Moynihan (@MedicalLabMLO).
Politics, Government and Education
Governing: hires Candice Norwood (@cjnorwoodwrites) as Web Producer and Writer.
Politico: appoints Lauren Gardner (@Gardner_LM) as a Reporter for Politico Pro Canada.
Reveal: hires Bobby Caina Calvan (@BobbyCalvan) as Collaborations Editor. In his new role, he will establish partnerships with local newsrooms. Reveal is a multiplatform reporting project from the Center for Investigative Reporting.
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News and Media (National)
Daily Express Online: George Cook (@georgevcook) has been named Reporter.
Daily Telegraph: Francesco Zaffarano (@FraZaffarano) has been appointed Social Media Editor.
Financial Times: Miles Johnson (@financialtimes) has been named Rome Bureau Chief.
News and Media (Regional)
Ham & High: Dan Splarn (@splarny91) has been appointed Senior Features Writer.
Isle of Wight Observer: Joe Burn (@iwobserver) is point of contact for newly launched free weekly newspaper.
BBC Scotland: Scott Mullen (@scottmullen87) has been named Senior Broadcast Journalist Team Leader.
BBC Stories: Megha Mohan (@meghamohan) has been appointed Gender and Identity Reporter.
BBC Wales: Felicity Evans (@BBCWalesNews) has been named Political Editor.
ITV News: Laura Allen (@laurajournal) has been appointed Output Producer.
Consumer Lifestyle
ASOS: Hattie Collins (@hattiecollins) has been named Editor.
Freelancer: Marie Westmoreland (@mariewestwriter) is available for commissions, relating to entertainment.
Natural Health: Georgia-May Collings (@geeemay) has been promoted to Content Writer.
Healthcare and Medicine
Health Service Journal: Jack Serle (@JackSerleHSJ) has been named Correspondent.
WeightWatchers Magazine: Georgia Green (@Georgia_NGreen) and Albertina Lloyd (@ww_uk) have been appointed Editorial Assistant and Staff Writer respectively.
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