Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.
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News and Media
New York Times: Ben Smith (@nytimes) has been named Media Columnist.
New York Times: has named Hanna Ingber (@nytimes) as Editor of its new technology newsletter.
Philadelphia Inquirer: has appointed Michaelle Bond (@PhillyInquirer) as Residential Real Estate Reporter.
Washington Post, The: Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) is now White House Economics Reporter.
WTTW News: Hugo Balta (@HugoBalta) has been named News Director.
Business and Commerce
Adweek: Scott Nover (@ScottNover) joins as Platforms Reporter where he will be covering social media platforms.
Albany Business Review: Chelsea Diana (@albbizchelsea) has switched beats and will now be covering government and money.
American Banker: Penny Crosman (@pennycrosman) has been promoted to Executive Editor (Technology) and Suleman Din (@sulemandn) has been promoted to Content Lead.
Bloomberg: David Schultz (@business) will be joining the news division’s podcast team to produce and edit weekly podcasts Cases & Controversies, Talking Tax and Downballot Counts.
Business Insider: has promoted Jessica Liebman (@jessicaliebman) to Global Managing Editor and Emily Cohn (@emily_cohn) to Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
Missoulian, The: has started a quarterly business publication called Missoula Business. David Erickson (@david__erickson) is point of contact.
Wall Street Journal: Anupreeta Das (@PreetaTweets) has left the news organization.
Wall Street Journal: Alexa Corse (@AlexaCorse) has been hired to cover election interference and cybersecurity in Washington.
Politics, Government and Education
Politico: launches AgencyIQ (@politico) to cover business regulatory news.
Technology and Telecoms
Markup, The: Colin Lecher (@colinlecher) joins as an Enterprise Reporter.
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News and Media (National)
Financial Times: Renee Kaplan (@rkapkap) has been appointed Head of Digital Editorial Development.
Mirror Sport: Amy Christophers (@Thatsportsspice) has been appointed Sports Columnist & Content Creator.
Telegraph Lifestyle: Sonia Haria (@soniaharia) has been named Beauty Director.
News and Media (Regional)
Rutland Mercury: Steve Creswell (@stevecreswell) has been appointed Senior Reporter.
BBC News & Current Affairs: Harvey Day (@harveyday94) has been appointed Senior Journalist.
Loose Wome:n Sarah Doran (@sarahisnothere) has been named Digital Producer.
Magic Radio: Alice Westoby (@alicemayw_) has been named Social and Digital Manager.
Consumer Lifestyle
Dazed: Caitlin Moriarty (@paleandpretty) has been named Fashion Assistant.
Spirits Business, The: Melita Kiely (@spiritsbusiness) has been appointed Editor.
Vogue: Anne-Marie Tomchak (@amtomchak) has been named Digital Director.
Energy, Environment and Natural Resources
renews: Nick Dowson (@nickmdowson) has been appointed Journalist.
Healthcare and Medicine
Aesthetics Journal: Holly Carver (@aestheticsgroup) has been named Journalist.
Technology and Telecoms
Sifted: Maija Palmer (@maijapalmer) has been appointed Innovation Editor.
Travel, Transport and Logistics
Auto Express: Stuart Milne (@stuartjmilne) has been named Executive Editor.
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