
Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News and Media

Atlantic, The: promotes Don Peck (@TheAtlantic) to Top Print Editor, replacing Scott Stossel (@SStossel), who became National Editor.

Bloomberg News: promotes Tim Ross (@TimRoss_1) to Team Leader for UK politics.

Wall Street Journal: hires Ken Thomas (@KThomasDC) as Political Reporter. He will focus on Democrats and the 2020 elections.

Washington Post: hires Linah Mohammad (@mohammadlinah) as Assistant Producer for “Post Reports,” a new daily podcast. Whitney Joiner joins (@whitneyjoiner) as Features Editor for the Sunday magazine, effective Nov. 26.


CBS News: hires Serafin Gomez (@finnygo) as a White House Producer.

Business and Commerce

Advertising Age: promotes Judann Pollack (@judy_pollack) to Executive Editor.

Albany Business Review: Mike Hendricks (@albbiznews) has retired.

Culture, Entertainment and the Arts

National Geographic: hires Dina Maron (@Dina_Maron) as a Senior Investigator Reporter covering wildlife crime.

Healthcare and Medicine

Endeavor Business Media: acquires Healthcare Informatics (@HCInformatics) from Vendome Group. It joins several other health-related media brands that the company has acquired recently, including Healthcare Purchasing News, Health Management Technology and Medical Laboratory Observer.

Drug Topics: hires David Frabotta (@Drug_Topics) as Executive Editor.

Medical Economics: promotes Chris Mazzolini (@medeconomics) to Editorial Director.

Medscape: hires Keith Martin (@kmartsox) as Editorial Director for the Business of Medicine channel.

Politics, Government and Education

Marshall Project: Bill Keller (@billkeller2014) will retire next year. The non-profit news service covers criminal justice issues.


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News and Media (Regional)

Bexley Borough News Shopper: Conor Shields (@newsshopper) has been appointed Reporter.

Cambridge News: Adam Care (@Adam_Care01) has been named Deputy Digital Development Editor.

Cumberland & Westmorland Herald: Luke Jarmyn (@ljarmyn) has been appointed News Reporter.

Hull Daily Mail: Michael Mutch (@MichaelMutch) has been named Live Reporter.

Metro: Jeff Parsons (@jparsons989) has been appointed Science and Technology Editor.

Rotherham & South Yorkshire Advertiser: Paul Davis (@paulm_davis) has been appointed Rotherham United Writer.

SWNS: Barnaby Kellaway (@swns) has been named Reporter.

Western Daily Press: Alex Ross (@AlexRoss_WDP) has been appointed Chief Reporter.

Business and Commerce

Debtwire: Nicole Tovstiga (@ntovstiga) has been appointed Reporter.

Consumer Lifestyle

FROW Magazine: Rebecca Roberts (@frowmagazine) has been appointed Assistant Beauty Editor.

Gay Star News: David Hudson (@davidhudson_uk) has been named Editor. Joe Morgan (@nottherealjoe) has been appointed News Editor.

JULIA EDITS: Charlie Moore (@cmoorefashion) has been named Contributing Fashion Editor.

OK!: Emily Whitwam (@Emjwhitwam) has been appointed Editorial Assistant.

Shop (UK): Lucinda Turner (@globalblue) has been named Fashion Editor.

Technology and Telecoms

Internet of Business: Andrew Hobbs (@andrewhobbs_iot) has been appointed Managing Editor/Publisher.


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