Why video content is essential for modern employee onboarding

Why video content is essential for modern employee onboarding

Recruiting new team members is an expensive and often protracted process, with SHRM data suggesting that it costs $4,700 for each employee you add to your roster. Because of this, it’s necessary to optimize the onboarding of fresh hires in order to ensure this upfront...

6 tips for creating visual content at scale for social media campaigns

6 tips for creating visual content at scale for social media campaigns

How would you prefer to learn something new, by reading an article or watching a video? If you’re like most people, you’ll pick the video tutorial. Visuals are more engaging and help explain complex concepts better. They’re easier to retain, too. Visuals on social...

Content approval workflow: 5 strategies to streamline your process

Content approval workflow: 5 strategies to streamline your process

Eight days. That's how long the average approval process takes for content.  That's a lot! Especially for PR pros who need to get the news out quickly. The struggle to push content through the endless cycle of reviews, edits, and approvals is real. And let's face it,...

5 things you need to know about microblogging in content marketing

5 things you need to know about microblogging in content marketing

If you're reading this, you probably know what a blog is. After all, you’re reading one right now. Blogs are everywhere, with catchy titles and easy access. They’re brilliant for building your online presence and driving traffic, and SEO reps, content marketers, and...

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