Media pulse: European journalists fear job losses as COVID resurges

Media pulse: European journalists fear job losses as COVID resurges

European countries were among the best at containing and minimizing the impact of the COVID crisis over the summer, but as the pandemic sweeps the continent again, nearly half (48.9 percent) of European journalists feel that they are in some danger of losing their...

How to take charge of your news environment to reduce 2021 anxiety

How to take charge of your news environment to reduce 2021 anxiety

People want to be informed, but are overwhelmed by the flood of news and deeply worried about information imposters, according to new research from news transparency consortium The Trust Project, which offers 5 questions you can ask to more easily identify reliable...

As news media become more important, which networks do we trust?

As news media become more important, which networks do we trust?

With so many hot-button issues in society and the world these days, news reporting has gotten more valuable than ever—as long as that coverage is trustworthy. Which outlets are delivering on that “trust” factor? Coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, racial justice...

Media pulse: Public wants Congress to save local and diverse media

Media pulse: Public wants Congress to save local and diverse media

The Multicultural Media & Correspondents Association (MMCA) recently released national opinion survey results showing overwhelming public support for Congressional relief efforts to save diverse and local media impacted by COVID-19. The organization also issued a...

Panel discusses tough road ahead for diverse media in the COVID age

Panel discusses tough road ahead for diverse media in the COVID age

A recent episode of the bi-weekly discussion series “Beyond Coronavirus, The Road Ahead for Diverse Media,” presented by the Multicultural Media Correspondents Association (MMCA), featured a discussion of the critical role of—and the existential threat to—diverse and...

Americans seeking inspirational health news coverage beyond COVID

Americans seeking inspirational health news coverage beyond COVID

New research from the Harris Poll and healthcare-focused integrated comms agency GCI Health reveals that 70 percent of Americans feel the COVID-19 pandemic has made them a stronger, more resilient person, and 62 percent find that social distancing mandates have given...

Media trends—which newspapers do readers trust most?

Media trends—which newspapers do readers trust most?

A new study measuring "trust" among readers of their newspapers-of-choice from Brand Keys found The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal #1 among fifteen papers examined in this wave of research. Because ideology self-defines selection when it comes to actually...

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