media analysis
Human vs. automated analysis: Context is king

Human vs. automated analysis: Context is king

Why will automated analysis never trump that of humans? Because, in just five words: Machines. Can't. Tell. Compelling. Stories. That's the core of it. Because what is an analyst, if not a good storyteller? When we're talking about analytics, monitoring, and sheer...

Blue Jays vs. Anthopoulos: Twitter has spoken

Blue Jays vs. Anthopoulos: Twitter has spoken

Less than a week after a playoff run that made fans out of an entire country, Alex Anthopoulos, the architect of the most successful Toronto Blue Jays team in more than two decades, has left the organization. Though it’s been widely reported that Anthopoulos was...

Heavy lifting with Phil Ho

Heavy lifting with Phil Ho

When you wake up in the morning, does the thought of media monitoring look like a 50-pound dumbbell sitting in the corner of your office? If so, you’re not alone. I happen to be a morning person: I’m at the gym lifting weights for two hours starting at 5 am each day...

#BytheNumbers: Harper leads race in Twitter mentions, but hits wall on sentiment

#elxn14: Economy and jobs take precedence in federal election tweets

It was bound to happen, eventually: The economy has now taken centre stage in Canadian election-related Twitter chatter. The incumbent Conservative government has been pushing its economic record and reputation, while opposition parties have criticized the government...

Big data: Leveraging data blending

Big data: Leveraging data blending

Data analytics firm Alteryx this week released a survey from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services on how companies are leveraging data blending to uncover business insights, even as Big Data sources continue to grow at an unprecedented rate. The survey, which...

Twitter, Meet the US Open

Twitter, Meet the US Open

Though it doesn’t have the ad power of the Super Bowl, and doesn’t attract the gamblers among us as much as March Madness, don’t cry for the US Open; it gets its fair share of attention. Starting Monday, August 31st in Flushing Meadows, New York, the fourth major on...

Federal election: Harper gets pilloried on Twitter

Federal election: Harper gets pilloried on Twitter

Canadians are headed back to the polls on Monday, October 19, following the dropping of the writ on August 2 by Prime Minister Stephen Harper (commencing the longest election campaign period in Canadian history). All four major party leaders are now in full-on...

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