
Leading public relations & communications firm, Brandstyle Communications, has signed multiple clients including Woolroom, CtiyLights, Do Not Peek Entertainment and Domain Companies to their diverse portfolio.


Woolroom is bedding and home brand that has had deep roots in the UK since 2008. With their expansion to North America, they have seen a huge demand for their products. With their focus on delivering natural sleep solutions to the rising problems of allergies, over-heating, and lack of deeper regenerative sleep, Woolroom aims to educate consumers on the benefits of wool and make sleeping a healthier experience. They are also very proud of their traceable wool program which means that the wool used in all Woolroom bedding and mattress collections will be fully traceable back to a group pf farms in the UK. This is a huge step forward at a time when ethical sourcing is becoming a top priority for consumers. Website: www.thewoolroom.com

City Lights

City Lights brings immersive content to broader audiences, showcasing the type of experience only available in Virtual Reality (VR). Their experiences include SPHERES, Tutankhamum: Enter the Tomb, and MVP Football: The Patrick Mahomes Experience. The company aims to focus on financing and distributing VR and AR content, bringing these immersive experiences to the masses. Website: www.citylightsvr.com

 Do Not Peek Entertainment

Founded in 2019 by industry veterans, Scott Smith, and Jason Baker, Do Not Peek Entertainment is delivering cutting-edge broadcast production, original programming, high-quality promo/post-produced content, and consultation to the esports and gaming space. Scott and Jason are responsible for creating some of the best-of-breed live gaming productions for MLG, Overwatch League, Turner Eleague, and countless others. For years they’ve pushed the visual storytelling of esports forward, constantly striving to innovate the way we experience professional gaming, and are bringing their wealth of knowledge to Do Not Peek at their state-of-the-art facility in Bit fire Studios in Phoenix, Arizona. Website: www.dnpeek.com

Domain Companies

Real estate investment and development firm Domain Companies brings sustainable, mixed-use buildings to up-and-coming neighborhoods. They have a multi-tiered approach designed to advance the life trajectories of low-income residents, promote community-wide healthy living and cultural enrichment, create opportunities for young people, and strengthen workforce development. Their four upcoming New York City-based, mixed-income buildings will enhance and change the pace of the environment in the Bronx, Long Island City, and Brooklyn. Livable spaces, unique shopping opportunities, and further commercial activities will be found in each. Website: www.thedomaincos.com