
Flackable, a national, full-service public relations agency headquartered in Philadelphia, announced the launch of an automated campaign status reporting system designed to deliver unprecedented campaign clarity, transparency and accountability to clients. This feature is the latest enhancement to Flackable’s All-Access Client Portal, a platform providing real-time, on demand campaign metrics and status reporting, which was unveiled earlier this year.

These PDF reports are automatically generated and distributed to clients via email on a monthly basis. While public relations agencies have woven elements of automation into media monitoring and coverage reporting processes in recent years, Flackable’s automated system is original in including status reporting on projects and opportunities that are in progress and not yet completed

“Agencies waste an enormous amount of billable hours each month, quarter and year on manual reporting processes, and it’s often a self-serving exercise for the agency, fluffing up their efforts to justify recurring service fees and retainers,” said Brian Hart, founder and president of Flackable. “With our client portal and this new automated reporting system, we are eliminating waste, managing costs and using time that would have otherwise been squandered on manual reporting to produce meaningful results for our clients.”

The reports, delivered as one consolidated PDF binder each month, display media relations activity for a given period, including the status of pending interviews and opportunities. They also map out the status of content projects, award nominations and speaking opportunities – with several additional features and integrations in development. In addition to the automated monthly reports, Flackable’s clients can now download real-time PDF and Excel reports directly from the All-Access Client Portal.

“The level of clarity, transparency and accountability we’re delivering to our clients with our client portal and automated status reporting system is simply unheard of in our industry,” said Hart. “Whether the numbers are flattering to our efforts or not, the automated status reports always go out as-is on a monthly basis. That’s likely an unsettling thought for many agencies and practitioners, but we embrace it. That’s why our system is producing better results, enhanced collaboration and the sense of urgency and purpose needed to drive impactful public relations outcomes.”