Today’s often-toxic, no-holds-barred communication climate inspired Wichita-based Greteman Group to encourage channeling our better selves. Its Be the Light campaign recently launched with a mailing of die-cut luminarias to clients and friends, and online inspiration in the form of a special column from Sonia Greteman, agency president and creative director.
“Sometimes we need to be reminded of the power of one,” says Greteman. “If you smile, people smile back. If you lend a hand, you start a good-deed chain reaction. I don’t just believe that. I’ve experienced it, personally and professionally.”
Be the Light includes donated services to Mark Arts, the former Wichita Center for the Arts. This hip, happening regional resource opens its stunning campus at the corner of 13th and Rock on New Year’s Eve. It appeals to a broad demographic: young and old, urban and rural, wealthy and those less fortunate, welcoming and uplifting all.
The agency abandoned traditional gift giving in 1996. Over the years it has supported everything from foodbanks and literacy programs to Habitat for Humanity and the Boys & Girls Club.
“Between the national scandals, natural disasters and nonstop suffering, it’s easy to feel helpless. And hopeless,” says Greteman. “Be the Light encourages us to be the good. Not just during the holidays, but through the year.”