
Adam Steele

Adam Steele
Adam Steele is COO and co-founder of Loganix, which is an SEO fulfillment partner for digital marketing agencies and professionals. The company provides the SEO services that businesses need to grow and achieve their goals. If you enjoyed this article, you can find more SEO guides and templates on the Loganix blog.
5 web design mistakes that could be affecting your conversion rate

5 web design mistakes that could be affecting your conversion rate

A bad website design can have a huge impact on your sales numbers. In fact, 57 percent of consumers say they won’t recommend a website if it’s poorly designed (WebsiteBuilder). This means it’s worth considering whether some simple design tweaks could make your website...

5 tips for writing website service page content that gets results

5 tips for writing website service page content that gets results

The service pages of your company’s website will outline what you do, how you do it, and why you’re so great at it. And it’s important that these service pages are clear in explaining this—after all, this will typically be the place where a website visitor determines...

5 simple ways to improve the conversion rate of your website

5 simple ways to improve the conversion rate of your website

Your website is where you’ll drive customers to purchase goods from you. And, since there is more competition than ever before in the online space, you need to do everything you can to increase conversions across your site. Your conversion rate is the percentage of...