
Can Malay

Can Malay
Using media monitoring to build a stronger brand

Using media monitoring to build a stronger brand

Achieving the maximum ROI from your marketing and sales efforts depends on making sure each and every one of those efforts aligns seamlessly with your brand strategy. Which brings us to our next point: what if your brand strategy is not as effective as you think?...

5 blog resources to help you keep up with digital PR

5 blog resources to help you keep up with digital PR

The digital revolution has changed all the rules of the game and turned business models upside down. The same can be said for the world of public relations, which is rapidly evolving into digital PR. PR pros are one of the groups most impacted by this new age. With...

4 steps to optimizing your brand equity

4 steps to optimizing your brand equity

With all the competition in the marketplace, public perception of one’s brand has never been so important. According to the Global Communications Report 2016, industry leaders believe that future growth in the PR industry will not only be driven by content and social...