On February 18, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) formally filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Exemplifying the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) motto of “Be prepared,” the organization promptly sent messaging guidance to all of its members, which includes volunteers and...

Gabriel Sanchez is a 20-year veteran of California politics and public affairs.
Media relations mentoring—it’s all on the record, all the time
Garry South, a hard-hitting political consigliere to then-California Governor Gray Davis, was decades ahead of his time: he never went off the record. In addition to helping a then-junior press guy (me) to stay “on-message,” it was a valuable reminder that you should...
Like it or not, everyone’s a spokesperson
Even though your organization may have officially designated spokespeople, the truth is that anybody from your organization who speaks publicly—be it at an event, on the phone, or on a social media feed—is representing you. Organizations make significant investments...