
Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News Media

Daily Beast: Andrew M. Boryga (@borywrites) has joined as Justice Reporter, based in Miami.

Los Angeles Times: Robert Lopez (@LAJourno) has returned as Senior Community Accountability Reporter on the Metro team.

Norman Transcript, The: Emma Keith (@emma_ckeith) has been appointed Editor.

San Francisco Chronicle: Matthew Fleischer (@mattefleischer) is now Editorial Page Editor.

Toronto Star: Raisa Patel (@r_spatel) has been appointed Political Journalist. Stephanie Levitz (@StephanieLevitz) has been named Parliament Hill Reporter.


Broadcasting & Cable: John Eggerton (@eggerton) has retired, though will retain a Contributing Editor role.

CBC Ottawa: Ahmar Khan (@AhmarSKhan) has been named Reporter.

CNBC: Kate Dore (@katedore) has been named Personal Finance Reporter.

MPR News: Sarah Glover (@skyphoto) has joined as Managing Editor.

News 1130: Charlie Carey (@careycharlie_) has been appointed Reporter/Web Editor.

Business and Commerce

Barron’s: Andrew Welsch (@AndrewWelsch) has joined as a Reporter.

Economist Group, The: Alexi Demetriadi (@ademetriadi) has joined as a sub-editor at The Economist Intelligence Unit.

Construction, Real Estate and Manufacturing

Mansion Global: Leslie Hendrickson (@MansionGlobal) has been appointed Reporter.

Real Deal, The: Rob Urban (@roburban) has been named Director of Editorial Development.


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News Media (National)

NationalWorld: Carly Roberts (@crobertsjourno) has been appointed Senior Reporter.

Times Weekend: Sidonie Wilson (@sidoniewilson) has been named Editorial Assistant.

YOU: Clara Maidment (@youmagsocial) has been appointed Acting Bookings Editor.

News Media (Regional)

Reach plc: Paul Rowland (@paulrowland1) has been appointed Head of Live Brands.

Wales Online: Steffen Rhys (@steffan_rhys) has been named Editor.

Yorkshire Live: Faye Preston (@fayepreston5) has been named Head of News.


Magic Radio: Sonali Shah (@sonalishah), Kat Shoob (@katshoob), Richard Allinson (@richardallinson) and Simon Phillips (@soulfulsession) have been appointed Presenters.

Business and Commerce

FTadviser.com: Sally Hickey (@hickles) has been appointed Senior Reporter.

GlobalData UK: Francesco Guerrera (@guerreraf72) has been appointed Editor-in-Chief.

Consumer Lifestyle

Cosmopolitan: Kate Pasola (@lordpasola) has been appointed Senior Beauty Writer.

Hello:! Nicola Murphy (@NicholajMurphy) has been promoted to Senior Online Weddings & Homes Editor.

Freelancer: Sasha Barrie (@sashabarrie) is available for commissions related to the Arts and fashion.

Politics, Government and Education

Week, The: Kate Samuelson (@KateSamuelson) has been named Online Magazine Editor.

Technology and Telecoms

CSO Online (UK): Michael Hill (@mjhilleditor) has been appointed UK Editor.

World Moves

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Eastern Europe

Dziennik Polski: Wojciech Mucha (@WojciechMucha) has been appointed Editor-in-Chief at Dziennik Polski and Gazeta Krakowska.

Dziennik Zachodni: Grzegorz Gajda (@zachodni) has been named Editor-in-Chief.

Fakt Gazeta Codzienna: Maciej Orłowski (@orlowski_gw) has been appointed Reporter.

Gazeta Coddzienna Nowiny: Arkadiusz Rogowski (@nowiny24) has been appointed Editor-in-Chief.

Przeglad Sportowy: Łukasz Kadziewicz (@przeglad) has joined Przeglad Sportowy and Onet Sport as a Journalist.

Western Europe

Der Spiegel: Head of Der Spiegel’s Berlin office, Melanie Amann (@MelAmann) and the Editor-in-Chief of Spiegel Online, Thorsten Dörting (@Tdoerting), both become Co-Editors-in-Chief of Der Spiegel. They will retain their existing roles.


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