
4 ways PR firms can improve security and avoid cyberattacks

by | Jun 27, 2022 | Public Relations

All businesses are susceptible to cybersecurity threats in one way or another. These threats continue to grow and it has left people wondering how to navigate them.

However, there are some businesses that face graver risks because of what they do. One of these is public relations. You cannot be lax when it comes to cyber security. Once you’re compromised, there’s a likelihood that it’s too late. A lot of companies that have been victims of data attacks and breaches have no choice but to shut down operations for some time. A PR firm is as vulnerable as any other company.

Better security entails looking at the bigger picture and attending to any vulnerability. In that light, here are some of the ways PR firms can improve their security.

Educate employees about risks

Irrespective of the level of threat, PR firms need to educate their employees about security threats and how to respond to cybersecurity threats. They also need to know how important it is to protect critical data. When there’s no adequate awareness or education, a lot of individuals may be lax about the risks of cyberattacks and how some of their actions can lead to their systems becoming vulnerable to attacks.

For instance, employees have to be trained to be able to identify and monitor malicious links/attachments, phishing emails, and phishing websites. They have to report any activity that seems suspicious. They also have to flag emails that may have viruses and tell the IT department.

Employees will benefit from training provided by platforms like Pluralsight Cybersecurity, for example.

Update security software

Regular monitoring and updating of your security software are important as it ensures that the operating systems and all parts of the applications are safeguarded in the event of attacks. Out-of-date security software will definitely not be able to protect against attacks and threats. This is because it will likely not have some of the new security measures meant to combat new cyberattack techniques (that an update will provide). Security software is only effective when it is regularly updated – which will then protect the firm against threats in the present and future.

These firms must ensure that they have enabled security software and that it is well-configured and regularly updated. This doesn’t just apply to technology in the office, but every technology and system used by employees. These may include cellphones, tablets, applications, routers, etc.

Secure remote accounts and devices

In the last three years, there has been an increase in remote workers. This has undoubtedly led to more security and ransomware attacks via remote access to these networks. Due to this, firms need to authenticate that only authorized accounts have access. This can be done by using multi-factor authentication to safeguard remote access. In addition, remote technology needs to have the most up-to-date security software to protect against any threats.

Evaluate who has access

It’s a fact that PR firms usually exchange information with clients, contractors, and vendors. One of the ways to protect the data, technology, equipment, and operating systems of a firm is by evaluating the number of people with login details and access capabilities to these systems.

For firms that don’t keep track of this, regular passwords change and multi-factor authentication will help to control who has access to the company’s systems and applications. This will go a long way in reducing the chances of a cyberattack.

James Daniels
James Daniels is a freelance writer, business enthusiast, a bit of a tech buff, and an overall geek. He is also an avid reader, who can while away hours reading and knowing about the latest gadgets and tech, whilst offering views and opinions on these topics.


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