
PR is a well-known and well-used technique when it comes to brand management and brand reputation. Implementing a PR campaign so that your brand’s public image resonates with your target market, but also keeps your company in people’s good graces, is incredibly important. It can give you an edge over your competitors and increase your business’s conversion rates.

Producing an effective PR campaign is about more than press releases. It is about promoting a brand that people will care for and be invested in. This can be achieved by raising awareness of a product, reaching your audience, improving your brand’s reputation, and informing the public of any company or industry news.

Your PR campaign can attain national media attention if done right. But it needs to be well-planned and streamlined if it is to work. Here’s how to streamline a PR campaign.

Set a goal

You will need to have a primary goal that you want to reach, as well as smaller goals that you will complete as you reach the endgame. Ask yourself, what do you want out of your PR campaign?

  • More sales?
  • To reach a wider audience?
  • A better brand reputation?

This goal is what will lead your campaign and keep you on track. It will keep you from wandering off the path and onto another, wasting time and money. Include smaller goals to complete on the way to the end goal, as this can lift your team’s spirits.

Know your audience

Not knowing who your campaign is aimed at is a huge mistake and one that can cause it to flop. Spend more time researching your audience so that you know who to target exactly. If you are targeting families, then you need to have a family-friendly message, for example.

Have the right tools

When it comes to running a project like a PR campaign, having the right project management tools is essential. This can improve communications and streamline all processes, improving collaboration, and help define the tasks that need to be completed. It is important that each member of the team knows their goals and how they can accomplish them.

Employ a copywriter for the press release

A press release is not easy to write. It needs to be relevant, insightful, and engaging – this is a tall order. You need your press release to be promotional, but without being an obvious advertisement, and it also needs to have a story so that your audience cares.

If you do not have a team member who can write a press release, be sure to hire a professional copywriter for the job. This can be done by employing a freelance copywriter rather than bringing someone in-house.

Network with journalists

Your business is in a particular industry, and building relationships with journalists in that industry can make writing and distributing easier and quicker for your PR team. Networking, however, is no easy task. You will want to email, call, and even use social media as a means of reaching out to your chosen reporters. Building a long-term relationship with a journalist can be worthwhile.

Steve Conway

Steve Conway

Steve Conway is a content marketing professional and inbound marketing expert. Previously, Steve worked as a marketing manager for a tech software start-up. He is passionate about discovering new software that will that will advance his already well-honed digital marketing techniques.