
The healthcare industry has long been a source of confusion and doubt for Hispanics, and today that mistrust is even more prevalent amid the healthcare debate in the U.S. There are 58 million Hispanics that make healthcare choices for their families, posing a large opportunity for brands looking to reach this segment. In fact, according to Nielsen, Hispanics account for $10 billion in health, wellness, prescription drugs and over-the-counter purchases.

If you are a healthcare brand, it’s important to not only help provide clarity and education on healthcare topics, but it’s also key to reach influential stakeholders when rolling out your communications plans. Here are some of the key stakeholders to consider:

Traditional Hispanic media

According to a 2016 Nielsen study on the growing Hispanic influence in America, bilingual Hispanics spend about 42 hours a week on TV, radio and online, while English dominant Hispanics spend 51, and Spanish dominant Hispanics spend an average of 44 weekly. This provides an enormous window for brands to reach this coveted audience across traditional channels of trust.

Messaging in both English and Spanish is also important when connecting with this key demographic, as building trust begins both in culture and in language. Determining which language is most appropriate for your target audience is key. While English rules more for business and the day-to-day, especially among Millennials, Spanish continues to be a big part of conversation with friends and family, especially when targeting the 50+ Hispanic demographic and certain cities in the U.S, including Houston and Miami, where the majority of the population is Spanish speaking.


Partnering with a trusted organization provides additional credibility for brand efforts. Choosing an organization that is leading the fight against diseases that impact Hispanics most is an important way to demonstrate your commitment to this audience and their needs.

For example, we know Hispanics have a greater risk for developing diabetes and that they also face higher risks of heart disease, so aligning with organizations like the American Diabetes Association or American Heart Association that support causes that impact Hispanic families and/or communities is beneficial.

Healthcare experts

To Hispanics, their doctor or health & wellness expert is the person they trust the most. As a result, brands need to continue to invest in health care education and partner with the right experts for their brand. Whether it’s a renowned chef, nutritionist, exercise physiologist, personal trainer or doctor, Hispanic experts serve as an invaluable third party endorsement.

Experts can not only provide a wealth of information that’s most relevant to this consumer but can also empower Hispanics to take action.


We know Hispanics, particularly Latinas, look to celebrities for inspiration. Latinos are a loyal and committed fan base. It’s key that brands collaborate with the right influencers to engage their target demographic with authentic content that speaks to their passion points.

Whether it’s partnering with a high-profile celebrity like Selena Gomez battling Lupus or TV host Adamari Lopez for a Breast Cancer Awareness efforts, the right partner for your brand or product makes all the difference in capturing this audience’s attention.


To reach the digital-first Hispanic, varied platforms, content and voices are crucial. Hispanics tend to consult their social networks and many of them are turning to blogs, vlogs, and social media platforms as sources including for health information. They are increasingly turning to other consumers, whether it’s moms, health & wellness influencers, for their experiences and recommendations.

While it’s reassuring to get advice from experts, getting the opinion of other people they can relate to proves successful. Hispanics notably are more likely to visit video-sharing sites like YouTube, compared to non-Hispanics and spend more time consuming digital video online and on mobile devices than the general market.

Whether that’s engaging a Mexican-American mom in the Southwest to share healthy recipes or a fitness blogger in Miami to showcase routines outside of the gym, leveraging varied content and multiple voices will provide additional reach for the brand message.

The end of 2017 is a good time to map out communications and business goals for the Hispanic segment. As you look closely at each segment know that one size does not fit all, as communities across the U.S vary in level of education, income and language, but one thing is true for all—communications vehicles are varied and go beyond media, to the other stakeholder groups they know and trust. A brand that takes the time to partner with the right stakeholders is a brand Hispanic consumers will trust and stay loyal to.

Natalie Boden

Natalie Boden

Natalie Boden is president and founder of BODEN, an independent communications agency specializing in the Hispanic market.