
Public relations is vital in every organization. With good public relations, businesses can create a solid online presence. Also, good PR will help you build effective marketing strategies. And with PR, you can tell your story and sell your business to the public.

It is a strategic communication process that helps your business build beneficial relationships with the public. It protects a company’s image, products, and policies. In this era, business relationships with your customers are important. How your customers perceive your business is instrumental in its success. It is important that every organization strives to maintain a good impression.

Transform your PR recruiting process

Since PR is so important for businesses, it follows that recruiting PR experts is very crucial. A PR officer can make or break your business. As such, the PR recruitment process should be well thought out. And there are numerous RPO recruiting companies that can help your recruitment process. Below are some steps that will help transform your PR recruiting process.

7 steps to transform the PR recruiting process

Source: Pixabay

1. Choose the right agency

For companies that want the intervention of a third party, this is the best step. The first step in your PR recruiting process is choosing the right recruitment agency. There are various RPO solutions, and the right recruitment company will represent your brand properly.

With the captured recruiting data analytics, they can recruit the right PR experts. Also, they have the needed RPO technology, AI tools, and search methodologies for a more inclusive selection.

RPO talent acquisition is faster and saves extra costs of recruiting yourself. As a new business, finding the right PR manager may be a challenge. However, your company needs a good PR manager to improve your business.

2. Drafting the best job description

Another step in your PR recruiting process is drafting a better job description. It may seem easier and time-saving to pull out old job descriptions. But this might be counterproductive. It is common knowledge that businesses and their needs improve. Using an old or inadequate job description will attract the wrong applicants. Instead, think of things that worked better with the past PR manager and the gaps that can be filled.

How has your marketing and PR strategy evolved since your last hire? Has your company added to its mission? Also, consider the current updates in the PR field. With all these in mind, draft a job description that answers your questions.

Give the applicants a full picture of what is expected of them. Also, the job description should be beyond traditional skills. It should state how the PR will impact the business. And candidates should see themselves as part of the team.

3. Broaden your recruitment net

You will have a greater chance of getting qualified applicants if you post on more platforms. In order for you to get more qualified applicants, you need to know where they will be most active. Your employees can as well share the job listing with their close network. They may know those who will be perfect for the job. You can offer to reward employees who refer candidates for the job.

Also, successful referred candidates who get employed will have a chance of staying longer because they know someone in the system. Also, they will have an easier time blending in and navigating the company culture. And this will give them more room to succeed at the job.

4. Prepare your recruiter

As the hiring manager, preparing your recruiter is necessary. You need to equip them with the right tools and information needed to get suitable candidates. You can provide them with a list of sites where they can find PR experts. Every role has specific requirements, and the PR niche is not left out. Help your recruiter by providing specific skills and guidance. It can be a screening script with questions that will help analyze the applicants.

5. Make your application process short and interactive

Some businesses make the mistake of thinking that all applicants are desperate. This makes them feel that they can stall the application process since the applicants are in need of a job. But in reality, applicants who know their worth may not stick around for long. Patience is a necessary skill for employees, but unnecessary delays in the application process can be discouraging. Some organizations go as far as spreading the interview sessions across weeks.

Don’t forget that some qualified applicants may not be financially buoyant to come for all the endless interviews in person. This way, you have lost good talent without knowing. Make your application process as swift and engaging as possible.

You can utilize technology, carry out video interviews and screen your candidates. Also, you can offer paid test jobs. Give the screened applicants a sample job to do and pay them for their time. This way, they are motivated and willing to follow through with the process.

6. Get the best interview team

A smooth application process can be ruined for the applicants because of an interviewer. Imagine an interviewer running late for his interview. Or unprepared Interviewers becoming tense and confused. Interviewers have to be welcoming, confident, and good representatives of the brand.

Get your interviewing team ready beforehand. They should have read the CVs and gone through the applicant’s portfolio. You don’t want interviewers reading a candidate’s CV in the interviewing room. Prior to the interview, there should have already been a round table meeting.

The questions and methods of asking them should have already been set out. Also, getting a team will help ease the pressure from one person. It also creates room for checks and balances among interviewers.

7. Give feedback

It is important to give feedback to the unselected candidates. Don’t just leave them hanging and figuring out what went wrong. As a professional hiring manager, tell them why they weren’t selected. Go through their CVs and point out the errors in their application. This way, they can improve and get better.

Also, it’ll help your brand’s reputation. You don’t want to pile up haters and grudges against your company. Also, if you outsourced the recruitment process, give them feedback and let them know as well.


PR plays a crucial role in every business. The success of your business depends largely on it. As such, the recruitment process has to be a very intentional one. These seven steps will help improve your process and get the best talents.

Dan Martin

Dan Martin

I’ve hands-on experience in digital marketing since 2007, with a current emphasis on legal writing. I’ve been building teams and coaching others to foster innovation and solve real-time problems. I’ve built high-performance teams that have produced engaging content enjoyed by millions of people. I like to travel and take pictures.