
With summer fading away, we knew we had to bring our A game to keep your attention last month—and fortunately, our September content batch kept readers riveted. Spearheaded by timely contributor pieces about the Popeyes/Chick-fil-A Twitter war, #MeToo reputation recovery strategies, and takeaways from the first all-inclusive Democratic Debate of the season, our byline writers offered up some terrific thought-provoking columns.

Meanwhile, we gathered some amazing research studies that offered a bevy of great PR and comms tips and takeaways about hot-button topics like influencer marketing content control, the defining factors of content quality for journalists, and how our favorite iconic brands can actually bring unity to a divided world. In case you missed a few, here’s your chance to catch up on last month’s most popular posts.

5 lessons marketers can learn from the Popeyes/Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich Twitter wars

PR pros marveled at how Popeyes turned an online duel with Chick-fil-A into “free” advertising when its sassy sandwich battle went viral on Twitter—and led to a sell-out in all 2,400 stores. What can we learn from this Twitter war? Quite a lot!

Divide between social media and real-life brand conversations poses measurement challenges

New research reveals the surprising degree to which online and offline conversations operate independently from each other—in fact, this new report finds there is virtually no correlation between online and offline sentiment.

Content quality is the top priority for APAC journalists—what are the defining factors?

As Asia-Pacific media and PR pros are coming to grips with shifting audience preferences, new research reveals some telling findings about journalism in the region—with plenty of lessons for media and PR pros here at home and elsewhere around the world.

5 media-training takeaways from the Democratic Debate

Any company executive or spokesperson preparing for a broadcast interview can apply key learnings from the debate to improve their presence. Here are 5 lessons based on last month’s debate.

5 attributes of blogs that people actually want to read

Living somewhere between opinion piece and brand messaging, blogs have become a standard component of the marketer’s toolkit. Here’s the problem: More often than not, they’re just plain dull.

3 reasons you should stop, collaborate, and (social) listen

Social listening is exactly what it sounds like—observing the news, trends, people, and influencers that matter most to your brand. But what matters most about social listening is what happens next.

Consumers believe brands can help unite a divided world, new WE Comms study finds

As faith fizzles that our widely disparate political parties will ever be able to find common ground, who can we turn to for unity and stabilization? Not only do consumers hope their favorite iconic brands can step up—they’re expecting it.

What #MeToo reputation recovery can teach us about PR

From a PR perspective, #MeToo is about the power of an individual’s reputation and whether, having been publicly shamed, they can—or should—return to their former stature. Good take here.

Corpcomms—and communicators—increasingly taking center stage at top companies

A confluence of technological, economic, and societal factors is rapidly elevating the influence of corporate communications within the world’s C-suites and boardroom. How is comms creating value and improving business outcomes?

6 content distribution channels you’re probably missing

Content distribution is important. In this article, we’ll share six content distribution channels most brands overlook. Try these out, and you should notice better results with your next post.

Richard Carufel

Richard Carufel

Richard Carufel is editor of Bulldog Reporter and the Daily ’Dog, one of the web’s leading sources of PR and marketing communications news and opinions. He has been reporting on the PR and communications industry for over 17 years, and has interviewed hundreds of journalists and PR industry leaders. Reach him at richard.carufel@bulldogreporter.com; @BulldogReporter