
To start the new year, Bulldog posted some sharp research-based news reports, but our clickometer was definitely dominated by some truly insightful posts from key industry contributors like Ronn Torossian, Dave Yonkman and Shalon Roth last month, many of them addressing key trends to watch for—and improve your PR—in the new year.

PR for a new year—public relations do’s and don’ts for 2019

Sometimes it feels like there’s so many deadlines and demanding clients that take up all our work time and energy. So here are a few do’s and don’ts to make those stressful days go a bit smoother.

2019 reading list—10 books to check out before entering media relations

Lots of applicants will begin angling for their first position in media relations in 2019. Lifelong learning is key, and starting your informal professional studies is a great new years resolution.

How dark social is changing everything we know about social marketing

Has the age of social media marketing ended? Not at all—but thigs are getting darker. Dark social is changing everything we know about social marketing. Are you ready to join the dark side?

Are press releases still relevant—or are they obsolete relics?

PR pros recommend press releases because they’re a staple of our industry, while marketing departments long for them and executives demand them. Do they even help get media coverage?

Ketchum report finds Americans showing fatigue in charitable giving and volunteering

After a strong commitment to giving in 2017, the public was less inclined to give back with their time and money this holiday season, the firm finds. Here’s how brand and business actions contribute to consumers’ charitable spirit.

Relationship building drives 5 PR trends to watch in 2019

The PR industry has been undergoing significant changes. It can be difficult to prove a correlation between sales and PR, and industry pros now need to fight harder to stay abreast of new trends.

2019 lesson plans—what these three PR crises taught us last year

A company’s leader is the face of the brand. From the White House to the coffee shop to the friendly skies, let’s take a look at three teaching examples of crisis response we learned in 2018.

Crisis planning and management—what to say first in a PR crisis

When crisis happens, the temptation is to “move fast,” react quickly and without a long-term plan. Don’t do it—the first response in any PR crisis can set the tone for everything that comes next.

Direct mail still works in 2019—how it fits in with integrated marketing

While planning for the new year, marketers should keep in mind the value of an integrated approach that includes the mailbox. Yes, that mailbox—the one that receives physical mail.

The 6 key things influencers look for when collaborating with brands

Previously thought to be a fleeting fad, influencer marketing has stabilized to become a common practice for a variety of consumer industries. But what attracts influencers to brands? Here’s what your brand needs to be able to offer.

Richard Carufel

Richard Carufel

Richard Carufel is editor of Bulldog Reporter and the Daily ’Dog, one of the web’s leading sources of PR and marketing communications news and opinions. He has been reporting on the PR and communications industry for over 17 years, and has interviewed hundreds of journalists and PR industry leaders. Reach him at richard.carufel@bulldogreporter.com; @BulldogReporter