3 ways brand visual identity can win over new customers

3 ways brand visual identity can win over new customers

Picture this: You walk into a grocery store and head straight for the cookie aisle (the best in the store, of course).  You arrive at the chocolate chip cookies with dozens of options pleading to hitch a ride in your cart to the checkout line. Which one do you end up...

10 ways community advocacy can boost your brand reputation

10 ways community advocacy can boost your brand reputation

In the dynamic world of business, community advocacy has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing brand reputation. This approach, which involves actively promoting the interests of the community in which a business operates, can significantly bolster a brand's image,...

Brands and retailers are re-embracing the immersive experience

Brands and retailers are re-embracing the immersive experience

When interest in the metaverse faded as AI marched to the top of priority lists in the new year, some thought that brand and retail marketers were abandoning previous plans to incorporate immersion as a next-gen tech tool, but not surprisingly it was just a slight...

8 ways to be successful with employer branding for startups

8 ways to be successful with employer branding for startups

Employer branding for startups isn’t quite the complex, elusive concept that it first appears to be.  In the same way that you need to create a brand identity that resonates with your target customer, you need to create one that resonates with your target talent....

Employer branding in focus: 5 things job applicants want from you

Employer branding in focus: 5 things job applicants want from you

Just finding prospective talent is a challenge for companies these days, but the stakes have now been raised for how businesses proceed through the process of fielding applications and conducting interviews—this “talent experience” has a more significant impact on the...

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