News Media

The Austin American-Statesman: Luz Moreno-Lozano (@luzmorenolozano) has been promoted to City Hall & Local Government Reporter.

LA Daily News: Clara Harter (@_claraharter) joins as a Reporter, covering education, homelessness, housing and mental health.

The Citizen: Scott Stephenson has been appointed as a Reporter, covering local/community news from Blyth, Huron and the surrounding areas.

Broadcast Media

CBC: Claire Palmer (@clairepalmster) joins as new dedicated Video Journalist in Nanaimo.

Global News Toronto: Katherine Ward (@kwardtv) is now Network Health Reporter working across Canada.

CNN: Rebecca Wright has been appointed as Politics Photo Editor.

Business & Commerce

Atlanta Business Chronicle: Amy Wenk returns as a Reporter, covering economic development.

Healthcare & Medicine

Healthing.ca: Karen Hawthorne (@karenhawthorne) has a new health advice column named ‘Doctor’s Orders’, where twice a month she interviews medical professionals about a particular health condition – from symptoms and management to prevention.

Politics & Culture

The Breach: Emma Paling (@emmapaling) is now Coordinating Editor.