News Media

Bloomberg News: Pratish Narayanan (@pratish_bbg) has been named Managing Editor of the Americas news desk.

Washington Post: Zach Goldfarb (@goldfarb) has been named Climate and Environment Editor.

Western Standard: Rachel Emmanuel (@emmanuel_rach) joins the team and will cover federal politics.

Broadcast Media

Z95.3: Zach Bedford (@ZachBedford) has added Program Director duties at Z95 (CKZZ-FM) Vancouver to his title. He is also PD at AMP (CKMP-FM) and XL103 (CFXL-FM) Calgary.

Business & Commerce

Boston Business Journal: Benjamin Kail (@benkail) has joined and will cover law and money.

MarketWatch: Mark DeCambre (@mdecambre) has been appointed Editor-in-Chief.

Culture, Entertainment & the Arts

Wrap, The: Jethro Nededog (@therealjethro) has been appointed Assistant Managing Editor, WrapPRO.

Politics, Government & Education

iPolitics / QP Briefing: Jessica Smith Cross (@jessiecatherine) has been appointed Editor.

Roll Call: Jessie Hellman (@jessiehellmann) has been named Health Policy Reporter.

Technology & Telecoms

MIT Technology Review: Rhiannon Williams (@techreview) has been named Reporter.

TechCrunch: Aisha Malik (@aiishamalik1) has joined as a Consumer News Reporter.