North American Opportunities

Copy Editor/Designer, Cortland Standard, https://bit.ly/3Imrx9O

Digital Editor, New York Family, https://bit.ly/3nBSkVV

Science Writer, Spark Climate Solutions, https://bit.ly/3ApuhkE

General Assignment Reporter, Herald and News, https://bit.ly/3yHPJQL

News Reporter, The Record Journal, https://bit.ly/3RcGZci

Associate Editor, American Libraries, https://bit.ly/3AuchFK

UK Opportunities

News Editor, PA Media Group, https://bit.ly/3O0xYRs

Chief Reporter, PA Media Group, https://bit.ly/3mCEIJJ

Editor/Content Manager, The Lincolnite/Stonebow Media, https://bit.ly/3ObDUas

SEO Reporter, Metro, applications to evelyn.richards@metro.co.uk

Countryside Editor and Production Assistant, Dalesman Publishing Company, https://bit.ly/3O8MEhw