North American Opportunities

Copy Editor, The Roanoke Times, https://bit.ly/3U4B7Uc

Staff Writer, Monterey County Weekly, https://bit.ly/3eK2ouH

Features Writer, The Advocate, https://bit.ly/3QG9NbQ

Director of Contracts, USAGM, obtain copies of the vacancy announcements from the Office of Human Resources by emailing HRCustomerService@usagm.gov

Attorney (General), USAGM, obtain copies of the vacancy announcements from the Office of Human Resources by emailing HRCustomerService@usagm.gov

UK Opportunities

Reporter, Hyde News and Pictures, https://bit.ly/3wBJCf5

Reporter, My Local News, https://bit.ly/3PZsdnF

Business Editor, Nub News, https://bit.ly/3DexEfK

Journalists x3, Nub News, https://bit.ly/3ewWWLE