Eastern Europe

Gazete Pomorska: Marcin Habel (@marcinhbl) is the new Editor-in-Chief across Gazeta Pomorska, Nowosci and Express Bydgoski.

Gazeta Lubuska: Janusz Zyczkowski (@zyczkowski) has been named Editor-in-Chief. Szymon Kozica (@gazetalubuska) has been appointed Senior Sport Editor. Both appointments are effective June 1, 2021

HVG: Márton Gergely (@morrton) has been named Editor-in-Chief.

Western Europe

ORF: Günther Mayr (@orf), Head of Science at Austria’s public broadcaster ORF, has been appointed Host of new weekly show “Mayrs Magazin – Wissen für alle”, which aims to cover all aspects of science in an accessible way.