
Healthy media coverage can equate to a healthier bottom line, MediaMiser study shows

OTTAWA – Ever wonder just how much a front page story actually does for your bottom line?

Most likely a great deal, according to a recent MediaMiser report that studies potential correlations between media coverage and business outcomes.

According to the report – featuring an analysis of Toyota Motor Corp.’s U.S. media coverage from January to May of 2011 – the overall number of Toyota-related articles and media mentions showed a direct correlation with that company’s sales figures.

As media mentions of Toyota climbed, sales figures did the same. And as media mentions dropped – well, you get the idea.

It’s a conclusion MediaMiser president Chris Morrison says many firms would be wise to heed. “This study clearly shows a connection between media coverage and a company’s sales figures,” said Mr. Morrison.

“It’s also an excellent indicator of why all organizations need a coherent media engagement strategy, one that includes measurement and assessment media coverage at regular intervals.”

MediaMiser, a leading traditional and social media monitoring and analysis firm, is based in Ottawa and was founded in 2003.

For more information:
Jim Donnelly
Director of content
613.232.7797 x 117