Jim Donnelly

Jim Donnelly
Jim Donnelly graduated with a BA in History/English from Wilfrid Laurier University and a MJ from Carleton University. Jim heads Agility PR Solutions’ Media Insights Group which oversees the production of public and client media analysis reports and infographics. Jim was previously editor of the Ottawa Business Journal and related publications such as Ottawa Technology Magazine and Meeting in the Capital.

Canadian Federal Election Twitter Tracker 2015

MediaMiser’s Canadian Election Twitter Tracker charts are updated daily, so check back often! As the 42nd Canadian general election inches closer to its Oct. 19 voting day, Canadians of all political stripes are voicing their support (or lack thereof) for various...

Entrepreneurial journalism: Where’s all the money?

Entrepreneurial journalism: Where’s all the money?

 Study indicates most local news startups make less than $50K per year If you read this article back in 2011 — headlined “How Entrepreneurial Journalism Will Change Our World” — you’d be forgiven if you assumed that by now, in 2015, the journalism world might have...

GOP presidential nomination: Cruz vs. Rubio edition

GOP presidential nomination: Cruz vs. Rubio edition

Politicians of all stripes and affiliations know just how important it is to get their campaign off on the right foot. Naturally a huge part of that is initially announcing your campaign, along with getting traction on that announcement both in traditional and social...

Report: Local TV news dominates U.S. media landscape

It’s a good time to be a local TV producer or reporter, according to a recent report on the state of local news in various cities across the United States. Interest in local-level and neighbourhood-level news trumped that of national and international fare in all...

Why science coverage gets on some scientists’ nerves

Why science coverage gets on some scientists’ nerves

Attention science journalists and editors: You’re being called out by your sources. Nearly 80 per cent of American scientists say the superficial nature of media coverage on scientific studies is a major problem for the scientific community’s communications efforts,...

Social Media Update: Facebook still top dog, thanks to your grandma

Social Media Update: Facebook still top dog, thanks to your grandma

Facebook is still the No. 1 social network in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center -- and you have your grandparents to thank for it. Pew’s Social Media Update 2014, released earlier this month, shows that for the first time ever more than half of...

Twitter wants the Ottawa Senators to move downtown

Twitter wants the Ottawa Senators to move downtown

Before we get into the meat of this blog post, I’ve got a couple disclosures to make. Firstly, I’m not a Senators fan. But like most who live in this city, I fully appreciate the importance of the hockey club to the city and its residents (both economically and...