Press releases are valuable marketing tools for spreading media awareness and positive publicity. But the competitive landscape is growing, and it’s becoming harder to win over journalists who receive hundreds of PR emails every week. One of the best ways to stand...
6 reasons to use customer segmentation in targeted marketing campaigns—and how to do it
If you’ve been spending time and effort on content marketing activities (e.g., email marketing, paid ads, blogs, etc.), and are now looking to make these activities more targeted, the next logical step for your marketing team is to invest in customer segmentation. ...
6 tips for using personalization to make prospects feel connected to your business
Marketing personalization changes everything—from the offers you present to the way you communicate with your prospects, personalization is a complete mental reframe. And in 2023 and beyond, personalization is key to establishing a strong brand identity. With a...
5 ways to use social listening tools to enhance brand awareness
In many ways, PR strategists and parents are alike. Sure, their intended audiences might differ (for parents, it'd be their children, and for PR strategists, it'd be their clients). But they both want to know the answers to questions like: Where's my intended audience...