
The majority of PR teams still specialize in outdated forms of marketing. Even when they do attempt mobile advertising, their methods don’t transfer well from traditional marketing formats. Here are a few tips for successfully marketing to mobile users.

1. Page speed

Mobile users of today have very high standards for websites they’ll willingly browse, and it can be hard to compete with some of the excellent web design out there now. But one good thing you can do for your PR campaign right off the bat is ensuring that your website speed is up to par. A slow loading screen is often the difference between someone deciding to stick around and someone bailing immediately.

It’s actually pretty easy to check your website speed and see how it holds up to the competition. If your users are using a good WiFi connection or 5G, they’ll be expecting your website to respond quickly. There’s a reason why 5G monetization is so successful—speed is a necessity for marketing campaigns today.

2. Mobile-friendly content

First thing’s first: if every piece of content you’re using in a PR campaign, whether it’s an email or a website banner, is not mobile-friendly, you’re already ten steps behind where you need to be. Imagine that a majority of the people clicking on emails or visiting your website are doing so from a phone and that they’re being turned off by poor website speeds or bad email formatting.

This means you’re losing out on a majority of potential customers or clients. Take a look at the promotional emails in your phone inbox. What do they all have in common? They most likely have a brief subject line and preheader text that fit neatly onto the screen and can be read without opening the email.

Instead, mobile marketers rely on a call to action in the subject line and an intriguing preheader that will nudge the reader to open the email. Generally, these attention-grabbers are special offers or limited-time-only deals that give a sense of urgency. The content of the email should also be brief and to the point, including some visual interest, but not enough to slow down the loading screen.

3. Local marketing

For those marketing for businesses with physical locations, using your local status is just the smart thing to do. When searching for services near them, users are absolutely going to specify “businesses near me” in the Google search bar. This is why it’s important to ensure that your business information is up to date on Google and that you’re using the appropriate keywords in your content to show up in local searches.

This could be as simple as using your neighborhood, street, or city name in your marketing materials. It’s also a good idea to ensure that any web tools that are used as business directories (Yelp, Bing, etc.) have all your relevant information. From there, your contact info and website should be just a click away. Your business should be easy to find and easier to learn more about or contact from a single search.

4. Visual content

Depending on your specific business, your content may not be all that enticing or captivating once you’ve managed to get viewers on your website or social media. No matter what services or products you offer, creating high-quality and interesting visual content is necessary to keep people scrolling. Rather than typing up long paragraphs of information about specific areas of business, try creating short videos that get the same idea across with a lot more visual aids.

Plus, any visuals created for one platform can easily be shared with more, creating more opportunities for clicks and views. Joining the world of mobile marketing can be daunting at first, especially if you’re accustomed to traditional marketing. But with most of the modern world interacting with advertising via a mobile device, it makes sense that marketing campaigns should be targeting mobile users.

Jamison Hutton

Jamison Hutton

Jamison Hutton is a business and technology enthusiast. He's a freelance journalist who loves writing about trends in the tech industry and how these advancements relate to and impact business. He has experience in various data software and business intelligence technology. He loves teaching and sharing his insights with others.