
When it comes to excelling in your career, the rise to the top is never easy. Hard work, patience and motivation, are some factors that can help you attain your goals. Globally, the gender split is about 50/50. In the workplace, that is not the case, as males tend to sit in the majority of leadership positions.

That being said, there are many strong and successful female leaders in the workforce who can be pillars of motivation for those who are just beginning their careers or looking to advance. Fran Yanity, an experienced marketing and communications CEO with 29 years in the field, shares insight on how young professionals can advance in their careers, and ensure that their long term goals are within reach.

Make connections

One of the best things to do throughout your career is to develop meaningful relationships with other individuals you encounter on a day-to-day basis. Whether through mentorships or networking events, put yourself out there and make connections. You never know who you will meet, and how they can help you attain your professional career goals.

Patience is key

To be an aspirational individual is a great quality. It is good to set a goal, and create a roadmap that will get you there. Therefore, it is also important to be realistic with your goals and timelines. Realistically, you will most likely run into a few speed bumps along the way, but the earned satisfaction you will receive after achieving your goal is well worth the wait. If you find yourself not making the progress you envisioned, consider new ventures such as starting your own business, at-home marketing ideas, or entrepreneurial opportunities.

Maintain a work-life balance

Maintaining a work-life balance may seem impossible with all the new changes and challenges that occur when beginning your professional career, or when trying to advance up the corporate ladder. Accept that in order to be truly successful, you will need to take a step back and make some time to do the things you enjoy outside of your career. Hard work pays off, but maintaining balance is necessary.

Showcase your value

Showcasing your value not only requires confidence in your strengths, but also being aware of your weaknesses. Companies want employees who are diligent but also flexible and open to improvements. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas; a new idea could potentially help the organization and gain trust from others.

Take performance reviews as a learning experience

You’ve just begun your career, or are working to advance yourself professionally. You should make every opportunity a learning experience. Constructive criticism provides the groundwork for growth. Managers use performance reviews to help coach their employees on how to become successful in their role, and excel in the company. Always be aware of your contributions to the workplace and opportunities that are available for professional improvement.

Fran Yanity

Fran Yanity

Fran Yanity is the CEO of Noisy Trumpet, a digital and public relations agency based in San Antonio. Fran brings over 29 years of marketing and communications experience on both the agency and client side of the business, across multiple industries and disciplines. In just two years, Noisy Trumpet has received several recognitions under her direction.