
5 ways word of mouth can enhance your business PR

by | Aug 3, 2020 | Analysis, Public Relations

Word of mouth can be one of the most important elements of any business’s marketing mix. If you want to improve your publicity, brand visibility and sales, you should care about this mechanism of attracting customers. Understanding the value of word of mouth and how to employ it can help you to achieve your business growth goals.

Why word of mouth matters

A single impression through word of mouth is several times more likely to convert than a paid impression. This is because people are more likely to trust the words of someone they know and trust over the paid marketing messages of a brand.

Despite this, word of mouth only accounts for around 13 percent of sales. This is because many businesses simply do not foster their word of mouth marketing. With the right strategies, you can turn your customers into brand evangelists. The following five techniques will help you to do that.

Give people a reason to talk

Perhaps the best way to increase word of mouth marketing is to simply give people a reason to talk. In other words, “wow” them with your business. Get them excited about what they are having. People who are engaged with a brand are much more likely to talk about it.

You can achieve this through excellent customer service, great products and services and a generally positive experience. If you focus on satisfying your customers’ wants and needs, you will be well-positioned to enjoy excellent word of mouth.

Encourage referrals

Another good way to improve your word of mouth is to simply ask your customers to refer you to their family, friends and associates. If you encourage people to tell others about your business, they will be more likely to. This is even more pronounced when combined with a great customer experience.

You can also provide them with a financial reason to refer a friend. For example, offering a discount to people who refer others is a common and effective technique.

Make your brand stand out

If you want to get people talking about your brand, you need to be memorable. Giving people a reason to talk is partially about having an exemplary customer experience. However, it is also partially about standing out from the crowd.

For example, you may create a fun slogan and branding that adds a little humor to your business. The right choice of wording, colors and imagery can make your business easier to remember. It will also cause people to remember being told about your business by a friend.

Ask for reviews

Sometimes the best way to improve your word of mouth marketing is through online social proof. This is when someone shares their experiences with your products or services, typically through a review. For example, these le-vel thrive reviews show that the user had a positive experience with the product.

You can increase your review count simply by asking customers to write them. Many people are more than happy to oblige. Plus, when you ask verified customers, the reviews are more likely to be positive.

Get engaged with the community

Finally, it is very helpful to get engaged with the community around you. Depending on your type of business, this could be the enthusiast community that uses products like yours. For example, outdoor recreation brands tend to engage with climbers, backpackers, campers and more.

Another option is to engage with the local community through charity and sponsoring local events. This is ideal for more general brands that can appeal to a wide range of consumers in a specific area. By engaging with the community, you will raise your profile and make yourself part of the community. People are more likely to recommend engaged brands.

Discover more about how to leverage word of mouth marketing and put these ideas to the test. This can be a highly effective way to increase your business’s success.

Jeremy Sutter
Jeremy Sutter is a freelance writer and former mobile marketing manager at Adobe.