
Big data is one of the most exciting and powerful tools for marketers. It can help you make smarter decisions, target customers more effectively, and improve the ROI of your social media marketing. Here are some ways that incorporating big data into your strategy can improve your performance across all channels.

1. Microtargeting

Microtargeting is a form of social media marketing in which companies create content specifically tailored to the interests and behaviors of their target audience. By analyzing user data, brands can determine what kind of content will resonate with their users and what kind won’t then use this data to create more effective ad campaigns.

This works because consumers are often willing to pay attention to advertisements that speak directly to their needs and desires. For instance, if you’re a shoe store owner looking for new customers, it’s much easier for you to get people’s attention if you advertise by showing off your inventory rather than just listing the prices.

This content will more likely resonate with shoppers who have shown interest in shoes but might not have even been aware that your store exists until now (and therefore wouldn’t have looked at any other ads).

2. Enhanced decision making

Big data can help you make better decisions in your social media marketing. Not only can it help you make more informed decisions, but it can also help you make those decisions faster and with more ease, accuracy, and confidence.

You will be able to know what your customers want by using big data as a tool for your marketing strategy. You can conduct surveys and focus groups on gaining a broader understanding of what people think about their experience with your company or product.

That way, when they take action through social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, they do so because they are pleased with their interactions with the brand itself rather than just feeling compelled by an ad that popped up on their screen one day while browsing through Facebook newsfeeds.

3. Real-time statistics

If you’re trying to figure out how to optimize your social media strategy, real-time statistics will be a helpful tool. By analyzing data in real-time, you can adjust your strategy and give feedback on what’s working and what isn’t as fast as possible.

That way, if a specific post isn’t performing well (or if it’s outperforming all expectations), then the next step is changing things up for maximum engagement with each piece of content that goes live.

This is critical for social media managers trying to figure out how to optimize their strategy. Real-time statistics can also be helpful if you’re trying to figure out how many followers (and which ones) you should highlight in an ad campaign.

For example, if someone is following only a few people on Instagram but has a high engagement rate with each post, they might be a good candidate for an ad campaign since they already engage with brands on social media.

4. Product insights

Product insights are used to improve products and services. They can help you understand how your customers use your product, what they like about it, and what they don’t like. This can also be used to understand how your customers feel about the entire experience with you as a brand—their interactions with your staff and other aspects of their interaction with the service or product.

The best way for R2-certified ITAD companies like Big Data Supply Inc to obtain these valuable data points is through big data strategies that monitor customer feedback across all social media channels simultaneously. This strategy allows businesses to keep track of both positive and negative comments from different audiences within their market space so that they can make quick adjustments when needed without losing sight of overall trends in consumer behavior.

5. Multiple data channels

As you know, data is everywhere. You can collect it from your marketing efforts, social media profiles, and your website. The problem is that most companies only use a small portion of the available data to decide their social media marketing strategy.

With the help of big data, you can combine data from multiple sources to gain more insight into what works and what doesn’t work with your audience. For example, let’s say one of your posts on Facebook did really well with users between 30-40 years old but not so great with users under 30.

Using big data can help you find out why! With this information in hand, you’ll be able to make better strategic decisions about which types of content are most likely to resonate with specific age groups instead of trying everything at once – wasting both time and money on those things that don’t work as well as they should have been in the first place!

6. Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics is the process of looking at historical data to predict future outcomes. It’s used in various industries to help people make better decisions.

For example, if you’re an insurance company and you have a lot of data about your users’ driving records and their car accidents, you can use predictive analytics to determine which customers are likely to get into accidents in the future so that you can offer them discounts or even deny coverage based on that information.

Another essential way predictive analytics can help with social media marketing is by helping companies understand their audiences better. When someone creates a profile on Facebook or Twitter, they tell the platform what they think their interests are (for example: “I love movies” or “I love dogs”) through the content they post and share with others on those platforms.

But that doesn’t mean everything about your targeted audience has been captured by this method alone! Predictive analytics takes this information further by analyzing other factors such as who follows each user’s account and how often those accounts interact with each other.


The bottom line is that big data can help you take your social media marketing to the next level. It’s a powerful tool for making smarter decisions about your business, whether it’s deciding which products to sell or where to advertise them. With all this information at your fingertips, there are few limits on what you can do with social media marketing—and it all starts with knowing how big data works.

Mike Khorev