
Creating a clear brand identity is nothing without the proper marketing and PR—if nobody knows that your business exists, how do you hope to make a profit? Luckily, with the rise in social media presence, online capabilities, and developments in technology, marketing, and PR is a lot more straightforward than it used to be, with a lot more platforms offered to you.

Yet marketing is still an ever-changing field, which means you need to be aware of changes regarding the promotion of your business, and ensure that you are always fluidly moving with the times to remain relevant.

Here are some starting points when considering business marketing, and how this can help build your brand as a reliable company.

Implement proper SEO

If you want your business to be discovered as the solution to a query typed into a search engine, then you will need to make the most of your online presence optimization. If not the very first result which appears on Google, then you at least want your business to appear on the first page.

According to statistics, the very first page of Google captures at least 71 percent of search traffic clicks.

You can push your business higher in the rankings by building useful content for your website, and employing relevant keywords to items you publish. It’s also possible to make use of paid advertising, in which you use Google Adwords marketing to boost your rankings.

Make use of an ‘opt-in’ selection

You will know yourself that successful websites often ask you to join their database by supplying your email address. This can be a beneficial marketing tool for future outreach, in terms of building a significant database of contacts which all future marketing material can be sent to.

If your company website doesn’t already have the choice to ‘opt-in’ and for visitors to supply their email address, you should implement one as soon as possible.

If it does already have this option, then ensure the box is well positioned and visible—perhaps even programmed to pop up as the first thing visitors see in order to access the site. An easy-to-use website can help build your brand as a trusted, reliable one.

Be sure your website is running at top speed

There is nothing worse than a slow-running website as a consumer trying to view a product or service—and chances are, a potential customer will leave the website if the initial load up isn’t quick enough, and will most definitely leave the website if individual pages are ridiculously slow to load when they are trying to browse.

Always be sure that the speed of your website is running at optimum, and if anything is slowing it down, investigate into what could be causing the problem (such as videos trying to load, for example).

Fast loading pages and clear, concise content can show customers what you are about, and what your company stands for.

Use social sharing buttons

People love to share things online if it’s of interest to them, and by displaying simple social media click buttons which enable visitors to easily share what they have seen, you are encouraging a chance for new customers. Individuals are more likely to share with the click of a button, than manually try and do it themselves by copying over the link. Getting your brand known on social media is essential for success both in the short and long term. Your identity needs to be clear, concise and consistent, and social media features can help you achieve this.

Steve Conway

Steve Conway

Steve Conway is a content marketing professional and inbound marketing expert. Previously, Steve worked as a marketing manager for a tech software start-up. He is passionate about discovering new software that will that will advance his already well-honed digital marketing techniques.