
This checklist will help your PR firm with remote work strategy

by | Apr 2, 2020 | Covid-19, Public Relations

All of our PAN staff are now working from home across our five offices in Boston, San Francisco, New York, Orlando and London. We’ve taken this step to safeguard our employees, their families and our clients.

Remote work has always been part of our culture and we’re fortunate to have the right technology in place to ensure our team stays connected and productive. However, quickly implementing an entirely remote workforce for a prolonged period is unprecedented for our organization—it’s required some additional thinking.

This checklist will help your PR firm with remote work strategy

If you’re considering taking a similar step, the checklist below is a useful starting point as you determine what’s right for your business:

Communicate throughout the decision-making process

  • Appoint a team/task force responsible for making business decisions and day-to-day communication
  • Schedule all staff meeting or one-on-ones to discuss any concerns about WFH in advance
  • Share whttps://www.pancommunications.com/blog/orking from home best practice tips with all staff (there are some great examples here). And for those with pets, these are great tips too.
  • Create a communication to all clients and partners for additional transparency
  • Draft social posts to communicate to stakeholders more widely
  • Ask staff to reschedule planned face-to-face meetings

Review what tools you have available

  • Quickly audit staff access to remote working software
  • Run top-up training on remote working solutions
  • Consider a one day all staff remote working test
  • Arrange for essential kits (e.g. large screens, laptops etc.) to be delivered to homes of employees, if necessary
  • Ensure you have enough video conferencing licenses for everyone to stay productive, or let staff know about available free video conferencing options
  • Agree which communications channels should be used for what – email, Slack, WhatsApp, 8×8, Teams, phone, video conferencing, etc.
  • Divert central office numbers or set up virtual phones

Prepare to stay in touch

  • Schedule regular team video meetings—we’re doing quick check-ins every day
  • Think of ways to share WFH experiences regularly to stay connected as one team
  • Consider a weekly ‘virtual office drinks’ to celebrate successes and achievements of the week

Arrange necessary operations

  • Pause deliveries, subscriptions and on-site cleaning services (given the office will be empty)
  • Distribute relevant group health plan benefit information, including telemedicine services, employee assistance programs and wellness program services
  • Communicate policy on isolation policy and sick pay, should anyone become infected
  • Communicate policy on reimbursing any additional expenses incurred by staff working from home (e.g. extra mobile phone costs paid)

Remain mindful of staff wellbeing

  • Share guidance on how to manage a period of isolation should they become infected
  • Keep channels of communication open, keeping staff creative and inspired during long periods of isolation
  • Remind people that this is temporary and of positive side impacts (e.g. spending more time with loved ones)

The public relations landscape is witnessing a significant shift towards remote work, with 98 percent of professionals preferring its inclusion in long-term careers. A remarkable 91 percent express positive experiences with remote work. Current work models reveal 46 percent following the hybrid approach, 34.3 percent adhering to the traditional on-site model, and 19.7 percent fully embracing work-from-home arrangements. These statistics highlight the need for PR firms to adapt and integrate effective remote work strategies, as outlined in the provided checklist. Navigating the challenges and opportunities of this evolving work environment is crucial for staying ahead in the industry.

This article originally appeared on the PAN Communications blog; reprinted with permission.

PAN Communications
PAN Communications Is an award-winning integrated marketing & PR agency with an extensive portfolio of clients in B2B tech and healthcare.


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