
Why you need a well-defined content marketing process—and how to create one

by | Nov 10, 2020 | Analysis, Public Relations

Do you have a well-documented and defined content marketing process that you and your team diligently follow? For most of you, the answer is probably no. You may have a loosely-defined system in place, but not a well-defined content marketing process.

But, why does it matter?

This is a question that many of you might be asking. So, what if you don’t have a well-defined process, you are still doing good without it.

Well, if you are successful in your content marketing initiatives without a process, then establishing a process will further improve your performance. And, if you are not as lucky as the former, then using this five-step content marketing process will definitely give a boost to your performance.

Want to learn the important steps to create your content marketing process? Here you go:

1. Content research and planning

Your content marketing process should always start with research, based on which you plan your campaign. Understanding your audience and what type of content resonates with them will set the stage for the rest of your campaign.

2. Content creation

Once you have a research-backed strategy in place, you can then start the actual content creation process. Use tools to write good content that is useful and relevant to your audience.

3. Content scheduling and publishing

After you have created content, the next step is to schedule it according to a previously-decided upon schedule. You need to create and maintain a content calendar to make this process more organized.

4. Content promotion and distribution

You can’t rely on your content to generate traffic organically, as even the best content needs to be promoted to help it reach the right audience. Use content distributions and promotion strategies to get the maximum reach and visibility for your content.

5. Analysis and strategy revision

This is probably one of the most important stages of the content marketing process as this is where you assess your performance. Based on what worked and what didn’t, you can then revise and improve your strategy for future campaigns.


These are the five most important stages of a content marketing process that you must follow. You can expand on these and make a more comprehensive process for your business.

You can even break these down further into many granular steps. But, you definitely can’t skip on any of these.

Want to learn more about this content marketing process? Review the infographic below to learn about these five stages in more detail.

Why you need a well-defined content marketing process—and how to create one

Shane Barker
Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, content marketing, and SEO. He is also the co-founder and CEO of Content Solutions, a digital marketing agency. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities.


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