
MediaMiser launches real-time Twitter news tracker

OTTAWA – MediaMiser, a leading media analytics and monitoring firm, has launched its “Spreading the news” election tracker.

The module – using the company’s patented media monitoring and analysis technology – tracks the number of news story links each online media outlet garners on Twitter during the Canadian federal election.

Designed to refresh every 15 minutes, it gives a real-time perspective on which media outlets are getting the most social media action.

CBC holds a slim lead over second-place The Globe and Mail, with the Toronto Star, Canada.com and the National Post rounding out the top five most mentioned publications (as of Tuesday, April 26 at 10 a.m.).

CTV.ca, The Vancouver Sun, Montreal Gazette, Cyberpresse and Macleans comprise the rest of the top ten.

MediaMiser is based in Ottawa and was incorporated in 2003.

About MediaMiser
MediaMiser is a media monitoring and analysis solution that provides the best-possible technology, content sources, and services to empower clients with media intelligence and the means to share it while delivering the highest possible ROI. MediaMiser’s patented software and its customized professional services are used by clients across Canada and the U.S.

For more information:
Jim Donnelly
Director of content
613.232.7797 x 117