
MediaMiser's Software Now Offers Bilingual Functionality

Ottawa – MediaMiser Enterprise, Canada’s leading media analysis software solution, is now fully bilingual. Clients can switch between French and English at any point while data and place are maintained.

“Our new software upgrade means we are now better able to serve customers all across the country,” says Chris Morrison, vice-president of client services for MediaMiser Ltd. “While Enterprise has long been able to accept any type of content regardless of language, our software is now truly bilingual and easier for all to use.”

Public relations and marketing professionals from across Canada use MediaMiser Enterprise to analyse their news content. The web-based software provides timely, thorough and flexible analysis of news content and data, providing greater return on investment for industry professionals.

Morrison says the software upgrade not only helps improve service for existing customers, it also makes MediaMiser Enterprise a practical option for predominantly French companies.

“MediaMiser has several federal government clients, where bilingualism is a necessity. This will be a tremendous benefit to them,” he says. “But it also makes MediaMiser more attractive to companies throughout Quebec and companies that deal mainly in French. Our employees are bilingual, and now our software is bilingual.”

MediaMiser Ltd. offers media analysis software and consulting services. Since its creation in 2003, it has grown into Canada’s leading provider of media analysis solutions, and attracted a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to non-profit organizations.