In today’s digitally transformed modern organizations, every transaction or interaction leaves a trail or a footprint, which in addition to being an asset, can be a major threat if not handled well, and in accordance with various industry standards and best practices....
5 key roles online courses play in professional development
Online courses are revolutionizing the way we approach professional development, offering a dynamic alternative to traditional education. Whether you're aiming to switch careers, climb the corporate ladder, or enhance your skill set, these digital platforms provide...
Why video content is essential for modern employee onboarding
Recruiting new team members is an expensive and often protracted process, with SHRM data suggesting that it costs $4,700 for each employee you add to your roster. Because of this, it’s necessary to optimize the onboarding of fresh hires in order to ensure this upfront...
3 ways AI Is transforming PR campaign effectiveness
We’re going through a period of immense upheaval as a result of the arrival of artificial intelligence as a viable tool. From the perspective of improving PR campaign effectiveness, this technological breakthrough is majorly appealing, and this explains the findings...
7 ways to maximize media impact with emerging video distribution trends
Video content is more powerful than ever, driving engagement and expanding reach across digital platforms. To truly maximize your media impact, understanding and leveraging current video distribution trends are essential. When you implement strategic approaches, you...
3 eco-friendly practices for hotels that impress guests and encourage brand loyalty
The world is waking up to the need for increased sustainability across all industries, and the hospitality sector is no different. In fact the latest data from the Global Hotel Decarbonisation Report reveals that by 2050 it’s necessary for a 90 percent reduction in...
Streamlining your hustle: 7 strategies to automate (almost) all of your business
Running a business can be overwhelming, with countless tasks demanding your attention. However, automation offers an incredible way to streamline operations and free up your time for more strategic activities. Imagine having processes that run smoothly on autopilot,...
4 of the most effective video content types for media outreach
Today’s online media consumers are bombarded with information every minute of their lives, so it’s no wonder they’ve learned to filter out the things that don’t interest them. Most internet users simply scroll past text and generic images, but they will stop for a...
5 effective PR strategies for small businesses in 2024
Small businesses might have the impression that there’s no need to worry about having a PR strategy—if you build it they will come, and all that. But the reality is that this is just as much a part of being profitable whether you’re operating on a local scale or...
15 essential tools every modern PR professional should use in 2024
The number of software platforms that the average PR uses from day to day has risen significantly in recent years, and so long as the most suitable tools are selected, that’s no bad thing. If you’re looking for ways to take even more sharp edges off your workflows and...
How AI-driven tools can enhance media monitoring in PR campaigns
With artificial intelligence eating up more column inches than almost anything else in recent history, its arrival as a tool that can itself revamp the way PR campaigns function is probably not much of a shock for those with their ears to the ground. What is...
Tips for managing brand reputation with eco-friendly practices
Environmentally conscious consumerism is the driving force behind branding choices for many major businesses—even those that are not directly working within a sector that’s related to ecological issues and ethical considerations. Because of this, managing a company’s...