The pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the worldwide Great Resignation, the supply chain crisis…. Over the past two years, we have lived through a number of unprecedented, international crises. As a result, businesses and the global economy have gone through some bumpy...

Lindsey Wilcox is a digital marketing specialist for Pitchfunnel, with several years of experience in business marketing, writing, and content creation.
Moving toward a new normal with technology transformations
Digital technology and advanced computing are revolutionizing our lives, spurred by the new normal caused by the pandemic. To keep up, companies need to be aware of increasing demand for improved digital experience among consumers. Let’s take a look at how...
5 ways to adapt content marketing in the age of COVID-19
COVID-19 has changed much about how we live, and while an end to the pandemic is in sight, content marketers must be vigilant in adapting to people’s needs. Buyers’ shopping habits have changed in terms of what they buy and how they buy it. Restricted budgets have...